Love is defined as the purest of all emotions and also most complicated one. We get a blast of feelings flooded through our minds leading us to a place where you may feel the most comfortable that you have felt for one moment and the next moment a bash of anxiety destroys the peace. Butterfly tickling, restlessness; off focus and many such feelings explain human behavior when feeling love. Complexity of love makes it the perfect tool for someone to do wonders yet others may deform their lives in a negative way. People who keep this feeling unexpressed are almost always regretting it in later phase of life. This is the best news you could give to someone, so why keep it inside. Most people express at the right time and right situation but there is no such thing as right time or place. Its always a good time to tell a person that you love him/her. Think of it like the person you love deserves to know this. You are not being fare to them and not even to yourself.
? Go and tell your father that you love him for his dominance on your life which kept you on track until you discovered a path of your own
? Go and tell your mother for always covering for your blunders and giving you the safest place on earth.
? Go and tell your brothers and sisters that no matter what changes in this world, one thing that wont change is that you care for the fact that God meant us to grow together and I mean us to live together.
? Go and tell that special one that you feel for him/her in a way that makes you feel love.
They deserve it