YOU decide what goes in manifesto
BJP asks city NGOs for their suggestions, promises to incorporate them in manifesto for BMC polls
In a bid to bring city NGOs and ALM (advanced locality management) groups on its side before the civic elections, the BJP is asking them to share their concerns about the city. Shaina N C, who heads the BJP’s cultural cell, said even common citizens can attend the meet, organised for the purpose at the party’s state office at Yogakshema at Nariman Point, at 4.30 pm today.”Ideally, we want more people, including NGOs and ALMs, to participate in the elections and tell us what they expect from the party. We will include suggestions found to be practical in our election manifesto,” said Shaina, who added that she has sent around 30,000 e-mails asking people for their suggestions.BJP sources say this is the latest in a series of attempts by the party to give itself afriendlier image.
Mid-day : Jan 4, 2007