Company name :Xansa
Income 2005-2006 =�357.3m (rounded off)
CSR activities: In India, 31 CSR initiatives, CSR Focus is Education.
Mainly working in schools which cater to less privileged community. Our
intervention includes setting up computer centres, libraries, play areas & nutrition programmes for Primary Schools, Mentorship Programmes & careercounselling for High School children, and annual events like sports, picnics, etc.
Amount contributed towards CSR : Approximately 1% of profits are earmarked for CSR initiatives
Contact details:Xansa
Gayathri Mohan
Associate Vice President,
Corporate Social Responsibility – India
Address: 2/G-2, SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam (Off Chennai),
Tamilnadu – 603 103
Phone: +91 (0)44 47401600 extn. 4016
Fax: +91 (0)44 27435711
Mobile: +91 (0)98 404 83539
Web address: