The Technical/Engineering Education Quality Improvement Project for India
The Technical/Engineering Education Quality Improvement Project for India supports the production of high quality technical professionals through reforms in the technical/engineering education system in order to raise productivity and competitiveness of the Indian economy. There are two project components.
The first component, Institutional Development, comprises three sub-components:
1) promoting academic excellence;
2) networking institutions for quality enhancement and resource sharing; and
3) enhancing quality and reach of services to the community and the economy. Under this component, qualifying institutions, based on their capabilities, will be first selected either as lead institutions or as network institutions, and then be required to compete through specific sub-projects.
The second component, System Management Capacity Improvement, supports
1) developing a modern management style through training of policy planners, managers, and administrators from the central and participating state governments.
2) conducting studies at the State and national levels, the findings of which would be used for improving policy and decisionmaking processes, and implementing reforms;
3) enhancing performance and the quality and efficiency of State audits of institutions; and
4) establishing structures and facilities for program management at the central and State levels.