Company: The Federal Bank Ltd
Income 2005-2006 = Rs 1500 Cr (rounded off)
Net profit after tax (05-06) = Rs 90 Cr (rounded off)
Karmayog CSR Rating-1/5
CSR activities:
With prosperity comes responsibility, especially to the society that engulfs you. The bank is keen to fulfill its obligations under social lending and has been lending in the priority sector. Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation, a public charitable trust formed by the bank to perpetuate the fond memory of our founder chairman, Late Kulangara Paulo Hormis is striving hard to inculcate better knowledge and awareness in the field of banking through training programmes, focused seminars, awards and so on.
Amount spent on CSR : No information regarding the amount spent on CSR was available on the homepage .
Contact details : The Federal Bank Ltd
First Floor, Raj Bahadur Mansion,
32,BS ,Marg,Fort Mumbai -400 001
Phone No:(022) 22680251, 22680252, 22680253
Fax No: 22651865
Email :
Web address :