C1ompany:Tata Tea Limited
Income 2005-2006 =Rs 950 Cr(rounded off)
Net profit after tax (05-06) = Rs 120 Cr (rounded off)
Karmayog CSR Rating-2/5
CSR activities:
The welfare and the well being of Tata Tea’s large workforce – about 34,000 employees and their families drawn largely from the weaker sections of the society is of paramount importance to the company. The company has put in dedicated effort and large expenditure, entirely voluntary, that has gone into upgrading the quality of life of the workforce.Significant contribution to the country’s social, cultural and environmental development.
Comprehensive labour welfare programmes that offers free housing, healthcare and community development facilities.
Manages estate hospitals and 2 large referral hospitals.
Manages adult literacy centres, and childcare centres.
Has established schools to educate children of estate employees, and has instituted scholarships for these children.
Manages a programme for physically disadvantaged children in its estate
Amount spent on CSR : No information regarding the amount spent on CSR was available on the homepage .
Contact details : Tata Tea Limited
1 Bishop Lefroy Road, Calcutta 700 020,
Phone : 91-33-2281 3891/4747/3988/3779/3709/1807/4422
Fax : 91-33-2281 1199
E-mail: ttl.ho@tatatea.co.in
Web address : http:// www.tatatea.com