After hearing of the Public Interest Litigation regarding basic amenities in MCD schools by Honble Court of Chief Justice in Delhi High Court, the matter has been discussed with Commissioner. As discussed with Commissioner, I along with Dir(PE), Addl. Director (PE)I, Chief Engineer(S), SE(S), SE(Narela) and SE(YAP) visited schools at Prem Nagar, Kirari and Nithari. The factual position regarding these schools is as follows:
PREM NAGAR: This school is running in tents in two shifts. There are 1812 children in totality in both the shifts. Though, after the last inspection by the undersigned on 17.08.2006 the Engineering Department has provided four toilets, tanks for storing water, yet keeping in view the number of children studying therein, these facilities are still inadequate. On inquiry, SE(Narela) informed that tenders for construction of this school building are not sold despite three attempts made by the Engineering Department. The approach road to this school is also in a very bad shape. SE(Narela) has been directed to immediately repair the same and it has been assured that the same shall be repaired within 2-3 days. The matter regarding sitting arrangements of children in an alternate shelter other than tents was also discussed with the Chief Engineer(S) and SE(Plan) and SE(Slum). After detailed discussions, it is suggested that keeping in view the safety of the children, Slum and JJ Department, purely on pilot project basis, will undertake construction of sample of class room of size of 15x20 of prefabricated tubular truse within next two-three days and if this sample room is approved, it can then be replicated into twenty five class rooms within a period of about forty days. Similarly, Slum & JJ Department can also provide eight pre-fabricated cubicle toilet to meet the requirement of this school. Adjoining the school compound there is cremation ground. As this school is located in an unauthorized colony, we have not been able to locate place either for this school or the cremation ground to shift and hence both have to co-exist. However, keeping in view the sensitivity of the school going children and to protect them from physiological impact of sitting near a cremation ground, I am of the view that we may close the entry gate opening to the other side of cremation ground near the school and other gate should be reopened, which has been closed by the residents unauthorisedly. We may also shift the cremation platforms to other side of the cremation ground so that fumes from the cremation ground do not come towards the school. It is also proposed that we may raise the height of wall of the cremation ground by atleast three feet. Further, SE(Narela) has been directed to provide two additional water storage tanks in the school.
KIRARI : The school building is already under construction. SE(Narela) has been directed to see that it is completed at an early dated. However, the toilets of this school are in a very bad shape. At present there are only 16WCs whereas the number of students in one shift is more than 2000. Therefore, there is absolute necessity of augmenting the toilet facilities. I suggest that Chief Engineer (S&JJ) be directed to immediately provide 16 more pre-fabricated cubical toilet facilities for the children of this school.
NITHARI : As already noticed during the last inspection, a newly constructed building of this school was found to be unsafe and hence, declared dangerous. I have spoken to Director of Vigilance who confirmed that inquiry in this case has been completed. DoV may be asked to put it up for necessary action at an early date. In the mean while, Egineering Deptt had called for the tenders and forwarded the same for financial concurrence of CA-cum-FA. It has been further informed that Finance has raised certain observations, the case being of single tender. SE(Narela) has been advised to follow up the issue with Finance. In this school also, keeping in view the paucity of toilet facilities for the children, Slum & JJ Deptt can be asked to provide 32 WCs at two different locations. I may add that there are about 5111 children studying in both the shifts of this school. SE(Narela) has been instructed to provide Kharanja/Plotform at the place where water storage tanks have been kept.
Apart from this there are certain other observations pertaining to these three schools, which are applicable to all the schools in general and in rural areas in particular, these are as follows:
1. There is an immediate need to improve sanitation in all these schools. As a temporary measure it is suggested that we may depute additional sanitation staff from DEMS in the schools where the number of children studying is more than 500. I am informed that at present only one Safai Karamchari has been deputed for sanitation work. Further, we may consider giving the work relating to sanitation of all the schools on CONTRACT BASIS to any specified/specialized agency.
2. We have given an amount of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) to the Principals of all the schools for attending to repairing of WC, rain-water pipe, sewer line, cleaning of manhole and leakage of pipe-lines, replacement of water-taps, cleanliness of schools, removal of malba etc. However, it is seen that the Principals have not been making good use of this money and the opportunity. They shall be issued strict instructions to attend to these problems at personal level.
AEOs and DEOs have also not been paying due attention to schools in rural areas. These three schools in particular have been in lime-light and as a matter of fact, School Inspectors, AEO and DEO should have paid more attention atleast to these three schools. Though all the Principals and the School Inspectors are at fault, yet School Inspector Smt. Shakuntala Arya and Shri Des Raj were found to be totally unaware of what was happening in their schools. Mrs. Shakuntala Arya, School Inspector has not inspected Prem Nagar School after her last visit to this school on 9th October, 2006 till 19th January, 2007. In view of this it is proposed to place Mrs. Shakuntala Arya and Shri Des Raj School inspectors may be under suspension with immediate effect. It is also proposed that recordable warning should be issued to the following officials:
(i) Shri Lakhi Ram, Principal-Prem Nagar
(ii) Smt. Nirmala Gupta, Principal, Kirari Suleman I
(iii) Shri Jagdish Chand, Principal, Kirari Suleman II
(iv) Shri Med Singh, Principal, Nithari
(v) Shri Rajinder Garg, Principal, Nithari II
School Inspectors Smt Saroj Rani, Shri Satyapal Solanki, Smt. Santosh Sharma and AEO(Physical) Smt Shakuntala Dhaiya also be administered recordable warning. Departmental action may be initiated against Smt. Shanti Soren, DEO, Narela Zone for dereliction of duty.
I have separately directed the authorities of the Education Deptt for compiling and sending me the inspection record on the format which was approved and circulated in July, 2006. Had Shri K. C. Sharma, the concerned Addl. Director properly monitored and complied with my UO No.PS/addl Commr(S&JJ)/2006/D-675 dated 31st October, 2006; No.PS/addl Commr(S&JJ)/2006/D-711 dated 8th November, 2006 and No.PS/addl Commr(S&JJ)/2007/D-139 dated 24th Jan, 2007, perhaps the situation would have been little bit different. Shri K. C. Sharma, Addl Director(II) may be administered recordable warning. I have also issued a show-cause notice to Director (Education).
So far as construction of pre-fabricated sample class room of 20x15 by the Slum & JJ Deptt is concerned, CE(S) has informed that it is likely to cost Rs.90,000/- (Rs. Ninety Thousand) only. I may add that presently Education Deptt has been incurring an amount of Rs.5,000/- (Rs. Five Thoudand) only for provision of one tent accommodation of 15x15 for the school children. There is a general tendency that children keep on playing and hanging on the Kanaats of these tents which may lead to early damage of the same. Hence, only solution is to have atleast prefabricated structures to do away with tents. After the inspection / approval of the Commissioner, of the sample tubular room, we may go ahead with the construction of such rooms in other schools also to do away with tents.
It is also proposed that in all schools where additional toilets are required cubical toilet blocks may be provided through the engineering department of Slum & JJ. The cost of construction of 20 number of tubular class rooms in Prem Nagar school and 56 cubicals for toilets at these three school sites shall be approximately Rs.24 lacs which can be placed at the disposal of Slum & JJ Department in advance for undertaking these works by calling tenders on short notice basis.
Commissioner may kindly approve A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are proposed above so that further action could be initiated immediately. So that ATR could be filed in court.