On reading in most newspapers about the IRDA announcement to cap the increase in premium for senior citizens for Medical Insurance policies at 75% we heaved a breath of relief.But sad to say there is a yawning gap in its implementation.We still have to pay 80 % to 100 % depending on the age group we belong to.This is objectionable to say the least.The powers that be need to look into this matter & see that the benefit reaches the concerned group of society.
Medical Insurance
On reading in most newspapers about the IRDA announcement to cap the increase in premium for senior citizens for Medical Insurance policies at 75% we heaved a breath of relief.But sad to say there is a yawning gap in its implementation.We still have to pay 80 % to 100 % depending on the age group we belong to.This is objectionable to say the least.The powers that be need to look into this matter & see that the benefit reaches the concerned group of society.