National Social Assitance Programme and Annapurna
The National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) consisting of National Old Age Pension Scheme(NOAPS) and National Family Benefit Scheme(NFBS) was being administered by Ministry of Rural Development till the programme was transferred to the State Plan along with the Annapurna Scheme from 2002-03. After transfer of the schemes, state- wise allocation of Additional Central Assistance (ACA) is made by the Ministry of Rural Development and Planning Commission. The scale of central assistance under NOAPS is Rs. 75 per month for providing pension to a destitute aged 65 years and above, under NFBS Rs. 10,000 is being provided in the event of death of the primary bread winner of a family and under Annapurna Scheme 10 kg of food grains per month per person is provided free of cost to the beneficiaries. Number of persons to be benefited from the Scheme would be in the first instance, 20 per cent of the persons eligible to received pension under NOAPS.
State Governments/ UTs can utilise the ACA provided to them by taking up one or two or all the three schemes or in any other combination in accordance with their own priorities and needs. Releases of the ACA to the States/ UTs are made automatically by the Ministry of Finance in equal installments on a monthly basis until December of the financial year. However, releases of ACA for the last quarter of the financial year depend upon the reporting of satisfactory progress of the scheme and utilisation of funds by States/ UTs. Reports in this regard is submitted by States /UTs to Ministry of Rural Development, who after examination of these reports, make suitable recommendation to Ministry of Finance regarding the release of ACAs for the three months of the preceding quarter.
The Finance Minister in the budget speech for the year 2006-07 has announced an increase in pension under NOAPS from Rs 75 per month per beneficiary to Rs. 200 per month per beneficiary.