The format will be available under the section of RTI on the civic portal: The list of appellate authority will also be upgraded.
The civic administration had promised the display of the form on its website following complaints from citizens and activists. By the week end we will be uploading the RTI format on the civic portal so that everyone can download it and file applications, said a senior civic official from the IT department. BMC had received complaints from citizens on the non-availability of the format. While activists and active citizens are aware of the format for seeking information under the act, many who are first time information seekers face problems on the standard layout.
Its a welcome measure, said central information commissioner, RTI, Shailesh Gandhi. Many NGOs upload the format on the site but public Government organisations involvement will make it easier for the citizens.
Citizens had also complained that the forms were sold at a price at local ward offices, but now the format will be available at no cost.