The criteria for the rating goes with first round of prequalification to ascertain whether the ngo makes difference to the poor people at large despite the fact whether ngo is small or big-
1 Those who focus their work for ‘poorest of poor’ and work in all sort of constraints and continue to work in spite shortage of specific funding or volunteers.
2 Management Philosophy of the ngo on which ngo runs it’s program. This includes transparency, democratic communication and participatory training methodology within the working group.
3.No of Beneficiary and transformation of the society for whom they work.. to see if the developmental work has percolated down the stream been proved useful to less fortunate in specific time frame.
4. Accountability for whom the programs are designed and who is at receiving end and at what cost.
5.Social cost analysis in terms of resources utilized by ngo.And it’s books are open to all.
6. Accessibility..for whom the programs are designed and executed. No bribe policy.
7.Whether ngo has strength to sustain for longer time in spite of all constraints.. only those can give sustainability to the disadvantaged.
8.NGO who do not have dictatorship of specific thought,ism,symbols, it run by specific religion.or community. or a person of high profile in social -political-religious who in turn influences his thoughts on others who work with him..under his banner.
9.Those who are involved in positive work and give positive message to the people for whom they work. I have seen many ngos have single line agenda..just protest
Focus Issues-
1. Aim of Integrated development
2. Income Generation activities thru micro finance and
3. Health Programs where chain of barefoot doctors.
health workers and village Pharmacies are run by the
people for the people especially adolescents.
4. Education- Giving skills and knowledge to those who
can make small sums to sustain themselves.
Rajiv Shah