The unique strength of physical education and sports exists in its capacity to enthuse a dream in successive young generations.
The life style of todays generation has changed tremendously. The fitness level of individual has gone down badly. Students prefer video games rather then to toil sweat in the play fields. Now Kids are suffering more and more from postural deformities.
The only way to remove these factors from society, the roll of Physical Education and Sports become massive. It not only improves the health of an individual but also make him stronger mentally to face the huge competition present in todays fast changing world.
Various postural deformities if cured at teenager age can reduce the risk of complications. For Ex. postural deformities like kyposis, lordosis, scolious, knock knee and bow leg can be cured by giving various exercises at early age of the child. Here the roll of physical education is of prime importance.
The survey revealed the eye opening facts of the students of students of public schools of Delhi. According to survey 55 % of students are over weight and chances of heart attacks, diabetic problems, hair loss. Blood pressure is much more in these students.
According to the UNESCO Charter of Physical Education and sports, 1978,”Every human being has a fundamental right to access to physical education and sport, which are essential for the full development of his/ her personality. The freedom to develop physical, intellectual and moral powers through physical education and sport must be guaranteed both within the educational system and in other aspects of social life.
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