Even as political and economic freedom are hailed time and again, the freedom of conscience is rarely spoken about.
However, if you look at the matter of freedom closely, then you would appreciate that political freedom and economic freedom are important but not sufficient. They do not solve many subtle yet genuine problems of human life. In fact political and economic freedom in isolation i.e. without inner growth and development i.e. inner blossoming; i.e. freedom of conscience; can prove to be counterproductive!
In fact the people in different parts of the world have gained political and to some extent economic freedom, but still they are in turmoil and tribulations due to various causes fundamentally related to inconsiderate and intolerant attitudes, bigotry, religious & racial fanaticism, malignant vested interests, terrorism and pettiness of perspective, policies, plans and transactions!
In turn, the laws, the conventions, the traditions, the fashions, the beliefs and even literature, media and advertising are being built and shaped in such a way, that they are suffocating our conscience! These things are too high walls of a prison in which our conscience is imprisoned!
Our conscience is thus; imprisoned in the dark and murky cell of pettiness and superficiality.
But there is nothing to be worried about.
There many enlightened efforst to explode the walls, barriers and shackles that throttle it!
The global conscience can be freed and we all can blossom together; if apart from all other brillint efforts and valiant struggles, billions of people practice NAMASMARAN !.