Article on Male Domestic Violence
Men in England and Wales aged between 20 and 25 are more likely to be victims of domestic violence than women in the same age group.
Have you been the victim of male domestic abuse?
Mark has been asked lots of times why he didn’t walk away from the relationship but says it’s not that easy to get out of an abusive relationship.
“You know that you’ve got to leave but you have to go through a whole process to get to the point where you’ve actually got the strength to walk out that door.
Male domestic violence
6.4% of men in England and Wales between the ages of 20 and 24 say they were victims of abuse in 2008
5.4% of women in the same age group reported being victims of domestic violence
Two in 10 men have experienced domestic abuse since the age of 16
Three in 10 women have experienced the same abuse
One in six men will be abused by their partner in their lifetime