Advice sought
From ruchir shrivastava <>
Dec 8, 2008
i am suffering from some problems now a days,its not consistent
but after some days i feel the same,i know it will be tough for you to check my problem,but sir its now affecting my career and my life.
sir i am telling the things from the beginning ,i find myself little bit from others,right from childhood,all thing go correct but at the same time i am not that much happy than others,i feel uncomfortable whenever i enter my schools, parties,and crowds,i remain little bit uncomfortable at the crowds, but as i came home all things become normal,i could not understood that what is wrong with me,then the second problem that my concentration level,i rarely feel fully focused towards study,but i know that i have go with this problem so i try my level best study. but at the same time my mind wanders here and there ,just usual talking of mine ,others towards me
etc,and on this wandering condition i thought sometimes 3 to 4 hours
continuously. that continues till i have read a book naming”how to control your mind at your will by vittoz,then i try to follow this book,i always think that ,i have not to think ,after some time i feel severe pain head ,i thought my mind is a lazy type,i always indulge on thoughts ,so now when i am more in action so there is a headache ,and i study throughout the day and at night around 12,i go to sleep,that is ok,but the problem is starting from sometime now,i am talking to my friends properly,a kind of fear i feel
whenever i am outside,my exam have been started from today,there i feel some kind of problem in writing also,not too much,but there is something wrong,a kind of problem i face when i see lots of question to be solved in three hours,i dont want to become mad,please help me ,i am a student of B.E.(MECH) this is my final year,i have put my 100% throughout my preparation leave and
i dont want to ruin that,please help me
ruchir shrivastava
kushalpur raipur(cg)
please suggest me any center in raipur that can help me,my exams are on so
could not go outside ,please respond soon to my email id: or
thanking you