Source – CSE |
Eureka Forbes Institiute of Environment provides the support for rainwater harvesting, free of cost, out of a concern for improvement of the environment. More details are available on . For telephonic contact call 022-24301725 and ask for the ‘Rainwater Harvesting Cell’. Rudolf My name is Prema from Times Foundation and we have already initiated Water Harvesting Project along with Rachna Sansad Institute of Env. & Archi. College. You may contact either me Prema -9223301052 or Roshini, Head of the dept. Rachna —– on 9820827234. The Orissa Watershed Development Mission (OWDM) is an autonomous State level agency constituted under the Department of Agriculture, Government of Orissa, responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring all Watershed
IITDelhi Alumni Association (Mumbai Chapter ) has more than 400 members who are alumni of the institute. We are actively considering how we can contribute to society. Rain Water harvesting is one area we all felt is very critical in today’s scenario, and I have been asked to study this area and take up leadership for co-ordinating implementation of projects in and around
We would like to get involved in is to understand your requirements and then bring in technology providers/service providers I have a regular corporate job, and plan to devote Saturdays and Sundays to this activity. Rajiv Ranjan
Questionnaire: Water Harvesting Potential Assessment
1. Catchment area
I. Total area of the plot: ______________
a. Area of rooftops / terraces: _______________
b. Area of unpaved surfaces / lawns: _____________
c. Area of paved surfaces / driveways: _____________
2. Water supply and usage
I. What is the source of water in your building? Municipal supply Private tube well Tankers
II. What is the total consumption of water in your building per day? …………………………
III. Please comment on the quality of water presently available: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
If not satisfactory, please specify problems: ________________________________
3. Hydro-Geological information:
I. What is the nature of soil in the area? Rocky Alluvial soil
II. Depth of groundwater table ________________meters or feet · Has there been a drastic depletion in water levels in the last few years (if yes, indicate the approximate value) · Did some of your tube wells dried in past three years? When?
4. Please attach site plan of the building marking the following information:
· Site plan differentiating different areas like rooftop, paved areas and green areas. · Rooftop/terrace floor plan showing the location of rainwater pipes/outlets · Location of running as well as dried/abandoned/defunct bore or tube wells (if any) · Storm water drain with flow directions · Flow of rainwater at the site
Any relevant information you would like to provide:
Date: CSE provides free technical guidance to interested individuals/organisation to implement rainwater harvesting on every Friday between 2 pm-6 pm at Centre for Science and Environment, Core 6 A, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003, Phone-24645334/24645335. Kindly fill up the questionnaire and carry it along with the site plan and other details of the buildings during your visit (or mail) to our office. |