March 2007: Newsletter of Yuvak Pratishthan
Dear Friends,
Litter Free Mumbai the concept developed by Yuvak Pratishthan, is now in progress. The initiatives taken for
In 1st Phase, 25 numbers of the Rag pickers registered with the organisation under Yuvak Pratishthans Samarpan Arogya Kendra. The first camp is going to be organised in the first week of March.
Highlights of the regular activities:
Jeevan Aasha:
In the month of February, 67 patients have visited our office and registered under Jeevan Aasha. 41 patients have received financial assistance this month from different Trusts. Others are under process. The following chart is showing the category of the patients / cases:
Cancer – 05
Heart – 19
Kidney – 08
Brain – 03
TB – 03