Star Performer
Dear Sabhajeet,
I have the greatest pleasure in announcing that your name has come up spontaneously as the best teacher for the year. Hence, the title Sunbeam Star Teacher for the year 06 07 rightly goes to you. Im positive that the rest of our team members are in total agreement with my assessment of your performance as an exemplary teacher who has carried out his duties with utmost care and attention. .
I am certain everyone will agree with me in appreciating your talent as an outstanding teacher because you have wholeheartedly accepted the challenge in transforming the lives of the underprivileged children we reach out to.
We all know that still waters run deep and that is exactly the case with you. By nature you are calm but at the same time you are firm in your actions. You never fail to impress upon the children that discipline is desirable and necessary and personally ensure that it is maintained at all levels.
Even though ours is an NGO, your professional approach towards your role as a teacher is exceptional and truly appreciated by me. You have adopted an ideal balance between the formal B.Ed. method of teaching and your own distinctive approach of lesson planning, introduction and recapitulation through the entire process of imparting knowledge to our beneficiaries. During study sessions, the children are totally focused on your presentation because you have the flair to make the classes interesting and maintain perfect eye contact with them.
More than anything else, you have built a remarkable rapport that instills a sense of belonging in the children. Your dedication and commitment towards their welfare is evident in all that you do. That is why the children are regular and enjoy attending your classes because interest levels are high. This achievement is all the more creditable because your 3 batches consist of Bridge Course children, all of whom youve painstakingly and with utmost patience brought up to the level of the children studying in the General Batches, at least in maths and language skills. You have tapped their potential and made them realize that with effort and commitment, they too can put up a commendable performance. There are few problems to encounter and seldom any drop-outs ever since the time these children have been placed under your care.
Sabhajeet, Sunbeam is proud to have a member as gifted as you in its faculty. We know that our children will benefit immensely by your quality inputs and standards of excellence. Thank you for being with us and we hope to have you continue with Sunbeam for a long time to come.
With best wishes,
Vjayendra Cowlagi