iWatch, Mumbai : Newsletter for May 2007
Unchain & Unshackle Saraswati the Goddess of learning!
I am happy to enclose a copy of our note – Making INDIA a Knowledge Economy. see News-Letter of April 2007. It covers the area of education & HRD.
1. The Goddess of Learning needs to be unchained!
2. Profit making in all areas excepting Higher, Medical & Technical Education, WHY?
After 1991, it is free to make any amount of profit in any of the following sectors of the economy:-
Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Vodka, Brandy, Beer & Wine
Cigarettes, Cigars, Bidis, Gutka, Tobacco, Pan Masala & Lottery business
Tuition Classes, Coaching Classes, I.T. & Software Training & Coaching Classes
3. Government is finding it difficult to finance Primary & Secondary Education
The present expenditure on education by the centre and states is Rs.91,000 cr. Education Cess collects another Rs.7000 Cr. (Total 3.32% of GDP). Private initiatives in the field of education is estimated to be another 4.7% of GDP and includes overseas education + Capitation Fees + Tuition + Coaching + unaided schools and colleges + I.T. training and coaching classes. Private initiative benefits mostly the 30% urban population of
It is estimated that the Central & State Governments require additional Rs. 100,000 cr. per year for funding Primary and Secondary education to reach attendance of 100% for primary and at least up to class 10th. Additional Rs. 100,000 Cr. per year is required for Vocational Education & Training. This may be shared with business & trade on a 1:3 basis between Governments: Business.
Education should be considered as an investment for the Nation and not as a cost. The spin offs are multifold in Human development as well as Nation building.
4. Make