Malpani Trust
At. Krishi Tirth
At. Bajwada, Post. Nemawar, Tel. Khetagoan , Dist. Dewas,
Madhya Pradesh, 455339, Mo: 9329570960.
21 reasons why I want to go for Natueco Farming?
- It is a non violent way of growing food-No tilling and digging.
- No external additives or pesticides are required
- The soil nourishes itself while growing food-the method imitates natural process of top soil creation.
- Less laborious(after 3 years) unlike conventional farming
- Maximizes yield/plant, which in turn results in healthy plant which in turn makes it less susceptible to pests and disease
- Maximizes dry matter/sq ft of available land. Makes business sense. More for x
- less.
- Maximizes nutrition per family by diverse and multi-crop pattern of cultivation
- Least water intensive-just rain fed and what we consume for personal use
- Overcomes an important constraint-a need to have good quality of top soil on existing land
- Dramatically reduces our eco-footprint and food-miles-good for environment
- Is perfectly aligned with natures 3 cycles- of matter, energy and life.
- Increases biomass thru perfect management of Sun, soil, plant and man.
- The only occupation to set a man truly free-free from being a slave of an employer
- The only dignified way to help an individual shift from dependence on external inputs(like job, government help, infrastructure etc) to liberation and swaraj in real sense
- Provides shock absorption against ecological and pest disasters because of multi-cropping and crop diversity
- The best combination of age old natural farming and modern scientific intervention
- Not an esoteric or theoretical concept and yet leads to wholesome and spiritual experience
- Possible to develop new ventures and non-exploitative entrepreneurship abilities
- Generates a natural healing climate where automatically harmony and love evolves and greed or selfishness dissolves-no sermons or religions required to preach virtue.
- Highly integrative-reduces sense of duality