Mourning the Death of Handwriting
I can’t remember how to write a capital Z in cursive. The rest of my letters are shaky and stiff, my words slanted in all directions. It’s not for lack of trying. In grade school I was one of those insufferable girls who used pink pencils and dotted their i‘s with little circles. I experimented with different scripts, and for a brief period I even took the time to make two-story a‘s, with the fancy overhang used in most fonts (including this magazine’s). But everything I wrote, I wrote in print. I am a member of Gen Y, the generation that shunned cursive. And now there is a group coming after me, a boom of tech-savvy children who don’t remember life before the Internet and who text-message nearly as much as they talk. They have even less need for good penmanship. We are witnessing the death of handwriting.,9171,1912419,00.html?xid=newsletter-daily