With crumbling infrastructure and lack of resources to meet the demands of the growing city, the D ward (Malabar Hill-Warden Road-Napean Sea Road) organised a presentation for people who can do their bit for sharing civic responsibility.
The presentation held on Friday focused on rainwater harvesting and alternative modes of four-wheeler parking. A briefing was also given on how to avoid malaria and dengue.
Chandrashekhar Chore, assistant commissioner, D ward, said, Residents who are interested can get some knowledge from this presentation. We will help them if they need help and facilitate with the permissions.
The presentation on stack parking was broken into two parts. The permissions and laws were explained by BMC along with special provisions on parking for Malabar Hill and Cumballa Hill area. Various types of stack parking were also explained.
Vasant Parab, assistant engineer, said, If the residents are interested they should first get a resolution of their society. After that, a professional licensed architect should take care of most of the things.
Farhad Cooper, resident of Altamount Road who attended the meet said, It was an informative session. However, we just do not have the periphery to do such things. If they can show us someway to do it may be we can. The cost was an issue as it would be Rs1 lakh onwards depending upon the system chosen. However, the residents seemed keen towards water harvesting. The requirement of the area is 100 million litres per day (MLD) while the supply is 254 MLD. Still there is water shortage. said Suprabha Marathe, assistant engineer RWH.
Gautam Watsa of Altamount Road said, Rainwater harvesting is needed but our area is rocky. We will have to dig really deep.
Naina Mahtani of Napean Sea Road said, We will communicate the benefits to the residents in our society. We do not get sufficient water supply, so we will have to look at other solutions.