Discussions during the NGO Council Meeting held on 14th Sept. 2006 at 4:00 pm at the HELP Library
1. Networking role of the NGO Council: · While one of the objectives of the NGO Council is to be a networking platform for NGOs and civil society in Mumbai, the Council should also join already existing networks, so as to develop a broader base. This will enable the smaller NGOs and members of the NGO Council to develop a working relationship with such networks. · The NGO Council can thus join forces with such existing networks, and once the dialogue and interaction is established, collaborations between the 2 can be worked out. E.g.: In the Education field, the PTA Forum can be approached.
2. Role of the NGO Council: · The NGO Council aims to be an issue-based support group – where for any issue, a group of member NGOs and individuals who support that issue will take it forward. · Through the formation of the steering groups / focus groups for each issue – the NGO Council can play the role of a facilitator or co-ordinator. As a facilitator, the NGO Council should interact beyond the BMC / government, and include professionals to draw up policies for the issues that are taken up. One aim of the NGO Council is to help BMC / any government agency to do their job better. 3. Recent response of BMC to NGO Council:
4. Other suggested methods of engagement:
5. Meeting various people to break the ice / bridge the gap between Government and the NGO Council: It was decided to approach some persons within and outside Government to whom the NGO Council is introduced, and thereafter, based on their reactions, that can be taken ahead. The following names were suggested:
The main aim of meeting these people is to explain what the objectives of the NGO Council are, and to seek their support for the same. (Those who are able to facilitate a meeting with any of the suggested persons, or those who would like to be part of any meeting, are requested to come forward.) (A crisp one-page write up is to be prepared about the NGO Council to present to those whom we meet. The 74th Amendment that guarantees citizen involvement in Governance can be mentioned.) 6. Strengthening of the NGO Council:
7. Interaction between the members of the NGO Council:
8. Support Offered: