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15 November 2006 ACB launches M-PAC: Mumbai – Pact Against Corruption with NGO Council and Karmayog Anti Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra State, has announced the launch of a long-term program “Mumbai – Pact Against Corruption” (M-PAC) involving collaboration with civil society including NGOs and Activists. The Main objectives of this program would be as follows: a) To build social conscience and consciousness amongst citizens so as to prevent corruption It is indeed heartening that NGO Council and Karmayog have come forward to partner this initiative of Anti Corruption Bureau. We would work together, inter alia, in the following ways: g) Meet at regular intervals, such as monthly, and ensure follow-up activities —————- Anti Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra, Madhu Industrial Estate, 1st Floor, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400 013. Tel: 24921212, 24922618, Fax: 2492776. Email: Website: Contact Persons reg. M-PAC are: Dr. P. Saravade, ACP, and Shri H. Karkare, IGP. Please also see the following links: 1. Nov 18 – First meeting planned — 2. From NGO Council reg. M-PAC — 3. About emails received reg. Corruption — 4. Reg. corruption in mumbai on — 5. How to complain reg. Corruption — Do let us know how you would like to get involved. Regards,