6 Month Review of the MCGM-NGO Council MoU Review of the MCGM-NGO Council MoU To: Municipal Commissioner CC: Additional Municipal Commissioner (Projects) From: Additional Municipal Commissioner (City) Period of Review: 6 months (12th Dec.2005 to 12th May 2006) Objective of the Review: To review the implementation of the MoU between the MCGM and the NGO Council that seeks to provide an institutionalised partnership between MCGM and Civil Society Organisations to promote good city governance. Background:
Methodology of working:
Significant learnings:
Issues to be addressed: Some NGOs who were part of the NGO Council have subsequently opted out questioning the basis of the NGO Council, the propriety of signing a MoU, and the internal functioning of the NGO Council. MCGM is clear that the NGO Council is a needed and valuable mechanism that encourages better MCGM-civil society interaction and the MoU that has been signed enables collaborative working and the initiatives as enumerated above. The internal functioning of the NGO Council is not a concern of MCGM; however as processes of working between MCGM and the NGO Council evolve, working mechanisms between MCGM and the NGO Council will be set up so as to better achieve the objectives of the MoU. The MCGM has always had the option of interacting with individuals and groups of NGOs on different subjects whenever it feels the need to do so, and this option continues and is exercised. However, the potential of a partnership with civil society organisations for achieving common or mutually supportive objectives such as promotion of transparency, dissemination of information and conducting discussions for obtaining inputs for policy formulation and feedback regarding performance, is possible through a formalised structure such as the one enabled by the MoU with the NGO Council. Another issue to be addressed is interaction with the Councillors. While several Councillors have themselves welcomed the help of the NGOs and civil society organizations in civic issues, it is acknowledged that a lack of interaction between the various entities creates friction amongst them. Greater communication and building trust would be important factors that could change this, leading to effective coordination between the NGOs, Administrative Wing and Councillors. Recommendations for next 6 months: · Structures need to be formally established to implement the principles of working as outlined in the MoU, specifically the formation of steering groups for each issue under consideration. · There is a need to further broad-base this partnership to include other participants such as the elected representatives, MCGM field level staff, etc., so that the MoU is then implemented in both letter and spirit. Conclusion: The MCGM – NGO Council MoU provides for a collaborative working process resulting in holistic policies and practices, acknowledging that Civil Society Organisations are important and necessary; and need to be empowered, and emphasising that institutional partnership with MCGM is critical for good city governance and overcoming Mumbai’s challenges. The process of collaboration of MCGM with civil society groups, such as the NGO Council, is open-ended and inclusive, incorporating the views of other NGOs, experts and individuals, both within the framework of the MoU and outside. Annexure 1: Issues taken up for consideration A) Focus areas: B) Other areas covered: (through Dec.Jan. BMC-citizen meetings) C) Outcomes: |