Kale Consultants Ltd Annual Report 2007-08
CSR activties conducted
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Kale’s Corporate Social Responsibility is routed through Catalysts for Social Action, an NGO that was set up with the objective of influencing change in the standards of Destitute child care in the country. CSA works on Child Welfare with specific focus on Adoption. Established in September 2002 and having completed 5 years, CSA is now, well on its way to achieving its stated objectives. The year 2007-08 has been particularly good; the results were visible both in terms of increase in numbers as also, the quality of childcare in each of the participating agencies. In addition, CSA is being increasingly, recognized as a valuable resource by the adoption community.
Adoption is regulated by the Government of India through the Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Women and Child Development. There are 112 agencies across the country and yet, the number of adoptions during a year, are less than 3000. CSAs endeavor is to increase the numbers. CSA works with 20 of the 112, CARA-registered agencies, and is currently focused in the states of Maharashtra and Orissa.
A peculiar feature in the existing Adoption scenario is that most city agencies have large numbers of waiting parents. On the other hand, the agencies in smaller towns just outside the metros, have several children who do not find homes locally, and consequently, end up in orphanages. CSAs endeavor has been to bridge the gap- identifying agencies where children are waiting, and directing interested city- parents to adopt from those agencies. Working through an elaborate promotional campaign and extensive handholding, CSA was able to find homes for 26 children; 25 cases are in the pipeline. All the adoptions were by parents from metros such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkatta.
Though the numbers are small, considering that less than 3000 children find homes through adoption, this is no mean achievement. More importantly, it sets the trend for city parents to adopt from smaller towns. Also, the model that CSA has adopted is replicable and can be extended to other states as well. The details of our Placement facilitations, are indicated in the table below:
On an ongoing basis, CSA supports the agencies in both capacity and capability building initiatives. Support is extended in improving infrastructure (civil work, furniture, mosquito netting, drainage), addressing the child’s developmental needs (food, clothing, health, hygiene and recreation), capability building (training of agency staff ), local and general, promotional initiatives (workshops/ sensitization programmes, outdoor hoardings, media participation).
Kale�s Social Initiative
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CSA has now, emerged as a valuable resource for the Adoptive community. The CSA website www.csa.org.in contains complete information on adoption and is extensively used. On an average, CSA receives atleast 2 serious adoption queries per day. CSAs Chat Group Adoption_Experiences@yahoogroups.com provides an excellent support group for adoptive parents. Likewise, Adoptees_Voices@yahoogroups.com provides a support base for adult adoptees.
CSA also, conducts recreational events for the children in the agencies picnics, fun events and dance.
Destitute Homes
CSA works with 3 Destitute Homes in Maharashtra. Some of the work that was done, is described below:
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Udyog Kendra (PJNUK), Pune
A six-months course in Basic Computer Application (Kale had earlier, donated a Computer centre with 8 workstations) for boys in class IX and X was organized. The students will appear for the MS CIT Exam of the State Govt. Training for a new batch has commenced. Shoes and traveling bags donated by Bata Shoes and VIP Luggage Industries Ltd. respectively, were distributed.
State Home for Women & Girls, Mundwa, Pune
In collaboration with the State Resource Centre, Pune, a Functional Literacy Programme for school-dropouts (girls) was organized. The programme, aims at equipping every girl inmate with basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills. Literate girls are trained to teach the other inmates.
Sessions on Family life Education and Health, were conducted
Shoes and traveling bags donated by Bata Shoes and VIP Luggage Industries Ltd. respectively, were distributed. Material for 2 sets of school uniforms each, was provided; the internal tailoring unit stitched the uniforms.
Boys Observation Home , Pune
The boys participated in a Picnic at Abhiruchi Farm in Pune. A study tour to the Aga Khan Palace and Snake Park in Pune was organized
Kale Employee participation
Kale employees participate extensively, in CSA initiatives. Senior staff members from Kale are members of the CSA Managing Committee. CSA receives assistance from the Kale Marketing for its website development and promotional initiatives. Kale employees represented CSA in the Vodafone and Stanchart Marathons held in Pune and Mumbai respectively and organized all children�s fun events, Garage sales and other promotional initiatives. CSA has received a donation of Rs 1.26 lakhs from individual Kale employees. They have also, donated in kind- toys, clothes and other items which are either given to the agencies or, disposed through garage sales.
Give India listing
CSA was listed on Give India on 04.08.07. In addition to establishing credibility as a performing NGO, the listing gives CSA access to additional public funding.
Going Forward
CSA proposes to extend its existing support base, to include more agencies in the states of Maharashtra and Orissa. In due course CSA will replicate its work in other states. Likewise, CSA will continue to work on the existing Destitute Homes and concurrently, work with orphanages in Orissa. CSA has planned, jointly with one of its member agencies in Vidharba, to set up a home for mentally-challenged children from adoption agencies. Working through a series of workshops and sensitization programmes for Government Officials and the Judiciary, CSA will aim at implementing standardization in keeping with the CARA Guidelines. CSA will network and work through corporate sponsors and the Government on one hand and the adoption community on the other. In terms of policy change, CSA will endeavor, through respective State Governments, to bring, through transfers from orphanages, more children into the adoption stream. CSA is committed to bringing about change and making a difference.
Source: http://www.kaleconsultants.com/Download/Annual%20reports/kale_annual_report_07_08.pdf
Contact details
Kale Consultants Ltd
Kale Enclave, 685/2B & 2C,
1st Floor, Sharada Arcade,
Pune Satara Road,
Pune – 411037
Phone: 91-20-66083777
Fax: 91-20-24231639
Emailid: info@kaleconsultants.com
Website: www.kaleconsultants.com