Jhunjhunwala Vanaspati Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) = Rs.1100 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax = Rs.25 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not Available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 0/ 5
CSR activities:
Service to Humanity
The service trust of the group, Jhunjhunwala Seva Society also organizes various activities of social welfare, spiritual and educational development programs for the betterment of the society.
Source: www.jhoola.com/
Contact Information:
Jhunjhunwala Vanaspati Ltd.
Jhunjhunwala Bhavan
Nati Imli, Varanasi 221 001
Uttar Pradesh
Phone : 542 – 2211312, 2211313
Fax : 542 – 2210480
E-mail : investors@jhoola.com
Website : http://www.jhoola.com/
Industry Sector: Vanaspati
Products / Services: Manufactures hydrogenated vegetable oil (Vanaspati Ghee) and refined oils
Other locations of factories / offices: Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh), Alwar (Rajasthan)
Marketing network in U.P., Bihar, Bengal & Assam
Distribution network across India