Sindhudurg villagers want to stay green…..Snehal Rebello
SPEAKING OUT Ecology panel told they don’t want industries in the area
SPEAKING OUT Ecology panel told they don’t want industries in the area
In an effort to sustain thedemandtodemarcate their habitatecologically sensitive, 22 villagesinSindhudurgdistrict have submitted Gram Sabha resolutions to the WesternGhatsEcologyExpert Panel.
Besides stating thattheir area is rich in floraand fauna, the resolution categorically states villagers do notwant red andorangecategory industries in the district.According to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, redcategory means heavy polluting industries such as thermalpowerplants,chemical and petrochemical refineries, tanneries and pharmaceuticals. Likewise,orangecategory includes hotelsandrestaurants, fish processing,stone crushers, non-alcoholic beverages and automobile servicing and repair stations.
“Yes,Ihavereceivedthe resolutions,”said Professor MadhavGadgil,chairmanof the panel whovisited the district.
“Inthe course of my interaction, Ifound thatvillagers preferred hydel projects insteadof coal and thermal.” The resolutions gain significancesinceanumber of miningandthermalpowerprojects areeither in operation or are proposed in this region.
Gadgilhas therefore asked respectivevillagestosubmit a development plan within two months. “Throughthese plans, villagerscantelluswhat sectors theywouldliketoseein their villages.Theideaistohaveadevelopment strategythatisenvironmentallyandsociallysustainable,” saidGadgiladdingthatall44districtsthatfallundertheWestern Ghatswould be asked to submit aregional development plan.
Theinputs,whicheverfeasible,will be incorporated in the ( ) Through these plans, villagers cantell us what sectors theywould liketo see in their villages. The idea is to have astrategy that is sustainable.
PROFMADHAVGADGIL chairman, Western Ghats ExpertPanel final report to be submitted to the ministry in March.
Starting October 3, Gadil began anine-dayfield visit to various areas of Ratnagiri and Sindhudurgdistricts to examine the potentialimpactonenvironment coming from four thermal plants in Ratnagiri, proposed mining projects and the proposed 10,000megawatt Jaitapur Nuclear PowerPlant.
Apart from visiting the villageswherethe mining permissions to Ironore mining has been given last year&the mining projects have begun.Also hevisited the villageswherethe mining projects areproposed.
The field visit is following the ministrysettingupa14-member panelto identify‘NoGo’areasin theWesternGhatsRegionwhere nodevelopmentwouldbeallowed andtoidentifythoseareaswhere development needs to be regulated given the environmental sensitivityand ecological significanceofthe region.