Company: Honeywell Automation India Ltd
Income 2005-2006 = Rs 350 Cr (rounded off)
Net profit after tax (05-06) = Rs 10 Cr (rounded off)
Karmayog CSR Rating-0/5
CSR activities: No data available for the year 2005-06
Amount spent on CSR : No information regarding the amount spent on CSR was available on the homepage.
Contact details : Honeywell Automation India Ltd
56 & 57, Hadapsar Industrial Estate
Hadapsar, Pune 411 013Tel.: 91-20-66039400
Fax: 91-20-66039800, 66039860
Web address:
The data given below has been added after March 31st 2008 , and thus not included as part of Karmayog CSR Ratings 2007.
CSR Activities for the year 2006-2007 :
Source : Annual Report
Hail has started a Child Sponsorship Program in close co-ordination with Sadhana Village an NGO. We have sponsored 40 children from Kolwan Valley Mulshi Taluka. This sponsorship monitors the child health and education. The funding has been made possible by the contribution from employees. This is used for various CSR activities that HAIL intends to undertake in the current year.
HAIL conducted Safety & Security Sessions for Schools in Pune – Dastur School, Rewachand Bhojwani, Abhinav Vidyalay, MMES Rathi School, Hutchings school were amongst the first batch of schools where HAIL organized demos and Lectures (conducted by Usha Fire). These interactive sessions were to help the children understand the do’s and don’t’s of Fire safety and actions to be taken in case of an emergency. “Road safety” and “security at homes”, were the other topics also highlighted. This was an awareness programme and was well attended by all the school children. Keeping our children safe and alert were the key reasons for conducting these sessions.
The Company continues its activites with community development work under the employee engagement program called DISHA. Volunteers also visit ‘The school for the Handicapped Children at Wanowrie. Computer classes are organized for these children, besides lessons in English speaking, Mathematics and Science.