grantmaking foundations in the UK. While the Foundation funds projects
in the UK, they have one grant available to NGOs in India.
They make grants to organisations which aim to maximise opportunities
for individuals to experience a full quality of life, both now and in
the future. In particular they are concerned with children and young
people, and others who are disadvantaged.
They prefer to support work which others may find hard to fund,
perhaps because it is breaks new ground, is too risky or is unpopular.
They also take initiatives ourselves where new thinking is required or
where they believe there are important unexplored opportunities.
The Foundation is currently developing a strategic plan and is
reviewing its current grant programmes and funding priorities to
ensure that it makes the most of its resources. They plan to publish
information about future grant programmes and funding priorities later
this year, probably in early summer. There has been no update listed
at their web site.
The Foundation supports local NGOs in India for projects that enable
vulnerable groups of people, especially the young, to gain access to
basic services that are not ordinarily available to them. It
recognizes that India is a large and diverse country in which a wide
variety of activities are appropriate and worthy of support. For the
Foundation, these include:
The focus of the Foundation’s support is on projects that are a
solution to a specific problem of access or a gap in a larger
development programme. The projects should also be of direct benefit
to intended beneficiaries, or enable local NGOs to address
developmental problems more effectively.
The funding exclusions described in the Making An Application section
apply equally to projects in India
In addition, the Foundation does not support UK or international
organisations working in India, or organisations with a religious or
cultural orientation.
Initial consideration of all applications is by the Foundation’s
adviser in India, Ajit Chaudhuri, who can be contacted at: