Today govt. is run by market manipulators, fixers, fly by operators, corporate gamblers. The first and prime reason the rising essential commodities because we created a commodity exchange like MCX and other like commodity exchanges. The market can manipulate within hours according to their own wish. It is nothing to do with our production, distribution, monsoon and other factors. Indians tears is the stock and commodity exchanges. Gamblers and fixers deciding the market now with the whole hearted support of the govt. It is a best lucrative and risk free business for mafias to engage such activities without any risk.
The inflation can be controlled to the large extent if the govt. give full freedom for farmers to sell their agricultural produce anywhere in
The governments recent decision to opening up retail sector to big multinational corporation going to create more problem because, these forces take full control of the market and whenever they want to make manipulate the market. On the other hand, it badly affect the govts. performance and public anger. The Present Prime Minister and Finance Minister, without making a second thought try to open up all sectors even the retail sector which will badly affect the retail traders as well as the consumers. On the farmers & direct consumers point of view, the govt. is doing nothing on this issue, just making a temporary noises, with no action. At the late hours, the govt. need to look into all aspects in its policies to address the pressing farmers issue, otherwise the present problem of price rise and farmers suicide going to increase many fold. It is an early wake up call.