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Horoscope Predictions for December 2007 (Aries- Pisces)
I am Vedic Astrologer based in North India. I have been practicing Vedic Astrology for many years, like providing Astrological Consultations, Horoscope Reading etc. I have started Monthly Predictions free of cost.
Vedic Horoscope Predictions are based on the JANAM RASHI (Moon Sign). Janam Rashi is that house in the horoscope; where Moon is placed at the time of Birth. You have to see the monthly predictions according to placement of Moon in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo etc in your horoscope.
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General Predictions (Aries): The level of activity and pace of life would be higher for Aries natives in the month of December, although the effect of retrograde mars will continue and there will be high dynamism in work, which will open up new avenues at workplace. The Level of luck will rise significantly during this month and for the coming one year. You will find gain in money as well as career from this month. Changes in career will come after the 19th December2007.You should be careful relating to high blood pressure as well as sudden rash decisions. You should not make changes in career, and should not start new projects after the 23rd December 2007. Income will continue to be good. New areas of growth will be there, expansion & high income, gain from unexpected sources till the 19th December 2007.This month has a combination of retrogression of Mars & Saturn. Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month.
Career Prospects (Aries): Actual level of activity will increase further after the 19th December 2007.It would be advisable to remain conservative throughout and ensure no new work is commenced after the 21st December till end March 2008. Positive trends will build up, as expansion in new areas possible. For persons in job, there will be good amount of progress till the 19th December 2007. Anxiousness & worry about the overall work area will increase after the 21st December 2007.For business people, there would be some amount of hurdles & losses. Overall Improvement will come however after the 24th December 2007.The working professional people, will find a positive phase. There will be good amount of growth.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Aries): There would be hurdles & opportunities & steady flow of interaction till the 19th December 2007 while mental block will give way to better relations after the 28th December 2007. Not an easy period for love & romance. An undercurrent of non-fulfillment will remain mostly.If married this month will not be easy. There would be blocks & ego till the 24th December 2007. Improvement will come after the 27th December 2007.
Money & Finance (Aries): You should not be worried since the long-term trends look quite positive. Slow period for finances as certain unexplained blocks could persist in money matters. Gains from old investments possible. Income will be good although it will remain an object of worry mostly. 19th December 2007 trends could turn volatile, erratic but see an increment too. New investments still should be avoided. Some better prospects come after the 18th December 2007.
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General Predictions (Taurus): The Taurus natives will find a increase in obstacles during the month of December. Due to retrogression of Mars in your house of wealth, expenses are likely to short up and remain huge through out. This will come as a combination of hurdles in career as well as a dip income. Speculation & risky investments should be totally avoided. You should be wary of increasing expenses as well as bringing new commitments. You should remain slow till 21st January 2008 and thereafter make the investments. This month and the period beyond could bring a lot of expenses on useful investments. Current month however is discouraged. Love & marital matters will remain difficult as well as volatile mostly. Certain modifications in law as well as market conditions could impact career .You should avoid controversy or unconventional steps. Career will continue to grow due to lucky & unexpected breaks. Progress in career due to support of associates, useful investment, gain from unexpected & unknown sources. Ego with spouse, losses, rise in expenses, drop in level of gains, distance in marital matters/ relationship, slowdown in career. The combined retrogression of Mars as well as Saturn is likely to be quite difficult. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Taurus): Your house of career is still influenced by Rahu and there could be growth & sudden unexpected opportunities right through out the month. A slowdown in career will be experienced but an increase in your contact base will increase the level of progress overall. For business people, this is a gainful month, but there would be high level of volatility in outlook throughout. Monetary gains will remain good. For those in job, there would be pressures from superiors & hurdles. It would be more so till the 24th December 2007 and improve thereafter. If you are a professional the month will remain slow mostly. Some hurdles could appear to rise after the 21st December 2007.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Taurus): You should avoid ego hassles and verbal controversy till the 14th December 2007. Misunderstanding & block in love & relationships could come this month. This will remain high in intensity till the 17th December 2007 when there would be ego hassles to you. Improvements will come thereafter. It would be useful to bide your time and avoid adding fuel to the time. Speech should be controlled at all times. If married, this month is likely to see a lot of pressure & volatility. There would be verbal conflict & controversy. Gains from spouse possible.
Money & Finance (Taurus): There will be high expenses as well as inflows. A very volatile period for finances operates now. You should be cautious of new investment at this time. Gains from unexpected source possible after the 16th December 2007.Income could take a dip since a small slowdown is expected. Still gains will continue and there would not be a shortage as such. Unexpected gains from old investment possible after the 16th December 2007.Investment of any kind, especially speculation should be totally avoided.
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General Predictions (Gemini): December will be very positive and eventful month for Gemini natives. A new partnership opportunity is possible in career. There will be gains & positive event due to growth in career as well as new partnerships & associations. Unmarried Gemini natives could find very good chances of marriage this month onwards. There could be stronger chances in 2008.Aggression as well as sudden health issues possible. Take all steps to distress your self. There would also be growth and expansion in career due to effort & hard work by you. Health is one area, which should be handled cautiously. Progress in career & overcoming competition till 18th December 2007, inflow of money through loan or external funds, gains in joint areas of partnership, happiness in love till the 21st December 2007, expansion in career, rise in status. The month is relatively good except for adverse transit of mars, which could spoil matters for you. Ego with spouse, health issues over aggression, issues with siblings. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Gemini): A sudden spike in opportunities could come after the 19th December 2007. An exciting period in career has commenced with expansion and overall growth in new avenues throughout. You should however ensure that a new area in career is not opened beyond the 18th December 2007.Those that are in job, pressures will increase. There will be issues with coworkers, competition as well as pressure of superiors. For businesspersons, there would be growth, progress & gains. Very good prospect in business will build up now. Improvement could come only next month. For working professionals, growth opportunities will be good, although actual progress will come next year.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Gemini): There will be very good opportunities for love/relationship till 24th December 2007 A dip in relations could be felt after the 27th December 2007. A very positive period in social life will also result this month. A positive month for love life. Unmarried have excellent chances of marriage in the coming 8 months. If married, this is the beginning of a new & quite fulfilling phase in marital matters. Spouse will be happy & a source of comfort & happiness.
Money &Finance (Gemini There would be gains from enterprise. Inflow of external fund/loan if expected are possible, till the 15th December 2007. Some hurdles possible after the 18th December 2007. Favorable period for finances. Avoid new investments from the 24th December 2007.Income will be fluctuating but average during the time. A new source of income formed now could give good returns in the coming months. Investment would be quite favorable. New investment made till the 26th December 2007 would be quite rewarding.
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General Predictions (Cancer): For Cancer natives December would be an average month. Expenses & some amount of losses will remain during this month. There will be support and improvements after the 18th December 2007 while a lot of luxuries & acquisitions possible this month. A tendency to spend too much as well as being reckless in expenses will remain throughout. You should be careful and avoid all sorts of investments /risk in finances. . There will be change in work environments, which could see an expansion in scope of work, rise in income as well as increase in level of expenses. A higher level of vibrancy in career could come with this month. There will be some increase in competition also. Ego, risky investments, loss of money, poor family life, bad speech, and poor health. Speech should be guarded this month too as it will lead to family problems as well as loss of money. Improvement & expansion in career after the 17th December 2007, inflow of funds as external funds or loan, gain of personal articles of luxury, purchase of car etc. Second half of the month is better than the first half of the month.
Career Prospects (Cancer): It is not advisable that any changes or risks are taken in career. Further you should not meet people in authority this month. Not an easy period for career. There would be uncertainty as well as lower level of opportunities overall. For businessmen, the month will be gainful but not easy. Level of hurdles and issues could increase after the 19th December 2007.Those doing job, there would be new & gainful opportunities. A new job is possible leading to a complete change in work environment. Positive period mostly & more so after the 15th December 2007.For professionals, this month will see good progress as long as you are able to keep your communication fair & blemish free.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Cancer): A general level of happiness could be maintained superficially while some amount of mental distances could build up. Love & relationships could take a backseat as opportunities could go down this month. Further there could be doubt & apprehension, which could take away, options in relationships. If married, this month will be average, although you should be careful of your speech, as that could cause distances & controversy. Average month mostly.
Money & Finance (Cancer): It is likely to squeeze finances down. Avoid any risk or new commitment till the end of January. A difficult period for finances. There will be a dual pressure of unexpected expenses/losses along with an increase in demand from family. Income will however remain good & therefore help you sustain throughout. New investments should be totally avoided as largely only losses are expected. Existing investment could give much return this month.
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General Predictions (Leo): For Leo natives this will be positive month. There will be a spate of new ideas, creative freedom and maturing of your perspective during this phase. There will be happiness in area of children. Those who wish to have kids, very good chances of addition of a child in the family in the coming 10 months. Investment will remain gainful mostly. Resentment towards friends could raise somewhat. Income will be quite positive and high throughout. There will be gains from various sources, especially real estate & overseas sources. Personal pressures too will remain high. Major decisions in career should be avoided. High income, gains, luck in love, happiness with child, positive investment, gains of car/real estate, social success & new relationship. Ego at home, mental anxiety after 16th December 2007, health & family problems, issues in marriage (if married). Transiting Saturn /Ketu combine in the 1st house could spoil health as well as peace of mind. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Leo): This is a Positive month in career opportunities. There would be new thoughts & method of doing work. Expansion into new areas will also be possible this month. For people in business, Personal pressures will be high, although you will be in a powerful phase of progress & growth. Some anxiousness could come in this regard after the 16th December 2007.Those who are in job, there will be pressures of superiors as well as issues in work environment. Not an easy month. You should avoid controversy in written or spoken word. Professional people will see high level of gains, although volatility & fluctuations will persist.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Leo): There will be possibility of new love relationships for the unattached till the 24th December 2007.A social high will be experienced this month. Serious & long-term relations could start now. With its root in December 2007 a positive relationship for the long term could develop now. Sex appeal would be high. If married pressures & issues with spouse will continue. Spouse will manage to control your action. Not an easy relationship will develop with spouse in the coming months. Unmarried could find chances of marriage.
Money & Finance (Leo): There will be good gains, mostly from real estate during this time. Some worry about direction of state of finances could come after the 16th December 2007. Positive period for finances. Investments will be largely positive & gainful. Income will be very good throughout. There will be volatile bumps & spikes however. Better gains before the 17th December 2007.Old investments made should be viewed cautiously since there could be some negative trends after the 19th December 2007.
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General Predictions (Virgo): This is a positive month for Virgo natives during December. There will be happy trends although your need to control the proceedings and events will create issues for the other family members and colleagues. Expenses & losses in day-to-day matters could come up. Avoid risky investment. There will be satisfaction at home, although level of status could go down. Dynamic & hard work will bring good level of progress throughout. Some volatility in career will remain throughout. Career will be a big problem as there will be all round growth in this aspect. Growth & progress in career, expansion in new areas till the 17th December 2007, gain from real estate & other fixed sources of income, happiness in family matters, opportunity to excel in career. Ego at home after the 16th December 2007 poor speech & communication leading to controversy till the 15th December 2007, fall in status, useless expenses. Sade sati or Saturn cycle of Seven & half years, has commenced for Virgo natives. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Virgo): This will be a very active month for career issues. You could be initially worried and be an object of controversy for some written or spoken word, till the 16th December 2007. Beyond that a successful but very hectic period. You will be able to progress. Changes or sudden moves in career should however be avoided. For businessmen, there will be average level of gains. Better prospect after the 16th December 2007.For Job persons, a dip in opportunities in current environment will come. You should seek a change overseas for maximum gains. For Professional persons, there will be very high level of monetary gains till the 24th December 2007.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Virgo): Overall however distances & resentment develops in long-term relationships. Positive period for love & relationships on the surface. There will be new love options as well after the 25th December 2007.A lack of opportunities could spoil options in love. If married the month will be happy throughout. Chances of marriage for the unmarried.
Money & Finance (Virgo): There will be significant gains in real estate and other such fixed sources of income. Very gainful month till the 24th December 2007. There will be higher level of luck & gains throughout. Income will be average till 17th December 2007 and pickup significantly after 17th December 2007.Investments should be looked at cautiously. No new investments are advised. There could be issues overall in terms of safety. Old investments too should be analyzed & reconsidered before 19th December 2007.
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General Predictions (Libra): Overall Positive month for Libra natives although a slow down in actual money position could be experienced during this month. Income will remain good and plenty this month too. Money as well as family life will remain largely volatile and unsteady, although good level of luck will prevail. A small possibility of losing status or a coveted post is present. You need to be careful of a false allegation. High confidence will help you overcome a lot of issues now. Mind will largely remain worried, although confidence & positive thoughts will remain throughout after a relatively low month in November. Progress in carrier after the 16th December 2007 gain & good inflows of money till the 19th December 2007, confident & happy period. Love life will be positive too. High income & support of friend. Volatility in family matters, Egos at home & family, wrong speech after the 16th December 2007, fall in status, marital stress. Second half of the month is better than the first half of the month.
Career Prospects (Libra): There will be good amount of gains overall. Active period in career. A possibility of loss of position not ruled out. Due to this, you should keep your dealings & work fair as well as over board. Good gains till the 18th December 2007.People in Job, there will be a dip in work environment. Avoid a change at this point. For businessmen, there will be good luck and inflows from abroad. A high level of fluctuation will persist, due to which you should avoid major changes or risk. Working professionals, will find very good gains but a lot of volatility. Be cautious throughout.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Libra): A sudden revival in passions & high could be felt this month. Love/relationships could acquire a long-term view and a depth in relationship. For the unattached, a sudden risk in level of activity will come. Socially a very prominent period. There will however be positive long-term view. If married, this month is likely to be extremely volatile. Temperament of spouse could be quite unsettled and demanding.
Money & Finance (Libra): There will be unsteady trends although inflows will be good on account of good luck. Quite a volatile phase in money matters. A slight slowdown compared to the past will be noticed. You should adjust your expenses accordingly. Inflows & gains will be good till the 17th December 2007.Income will be very good & positive throughout. A further rise will come past 19th December 2007.Investments will give good level of gains. However old investments could now be revisited & analyzed when considering renewals for 2008.
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General Predictions (Scorpio): For Scorpio natives Positive and strong trends will begin this month. However your mindset as well as health/anger related limitations could hold back progress. You need to calm yourself & think objectively. Money matters are comfortable and look good in the coming one year. Personally speaking, despite opportunities, you might miss events due to your current mindset. Career will rise and there will be progress, although superiors/people in authority could trouble you. Domestic matters will still experience unrest. You should focus in one area in career and leave other aspects out. Lack of clarity will be a pulling down affect overall. Happiness in family life, expenses on luxuries & high standard of living, Gain of money & good inflows, effectiveness in career. Anger, pressures from superiors, poor health, domestic issues. Transit of Mars in retrograde motion in your 8th house (health & unexpected events) is not an easy position. Second half of the month is better than the first half of the month.
Career Prospects (Scorpio): There will be a high amount of focus & worry about career. An eventful phase in career operates. New projects & activities should not be started after the 19th December 2007.Level of activity could peak, and at the same time experience some reversal after the 19th December 2007. You should move cautiously overall. Job persons, there will be a difficult period where you might feel low & under pressure mostly since loss of position is possible. You should be careful about what risks you take. For business people, there could be minor dip in activity due to slowdown in opportunities.24th December 2007 onwards a positive & remarkable upward move could come about. For Professionals, a gainful period will be experienced. An enhancement of income or a new source of income will be possible now.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Scorpio): You might experience & move towards commitment & marriage from this month. A stable phase in relationships possible. Singles could find a dip in opportunities although social scene will remain exciting. A sudden jump in opportunities & luck in relationships/love possible from 25th December 2007. If married, the month will be largely satisfying some distances; mental or physical could come although the undercurrent will remain positive. Unmarried would find very good chances of marriage now onwards.
Money & Finance (Scorpio): There will be good level of gains throughout. Positive & gainful period with a long-term outlook operates now. A significant rise in inflows will come from18th December 2007.Income will be average till 17th December 2007 & pickup significantly after the 19th December 2007.Investments will be very positive if made now. The difficult phase for old investments & other forms of money matters operates till the end of January. Old investments could bring losses & should be reanalyzed.
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General Predictions (Sagittarius): The December would be an average month for Sagittarius natives. This month could see serious issues in joint areas of life. If married or in a serious relationship, there could be serious challenges due to temperament and altitude of partner. There will be steady trends for the long term although current outlook will be disturbed throughout. Luck in money matters as well as family life would be good. You yourself will be calm & mature, which will help you handle the issues better. With all these issues, there would be an incurrent of stress throughout. New avenues in career will open up and provide much gain. Better confidence than before. Social success & new relationships progress in career & expansion in new avenues. Poor stamina till the 17th December 2007, serious issues in marriage & relationships, stress & worry, controversial communications. Transiting Mars in retrograde motion could create serious issues in marriage /relationships/business. Second half of the month is better than the first half of the month.
Career Prospects (Sagittarius): It will be a slow period in career this month. Till 17th December 2007 a dip in opportunities could be felt after which an overall improvement will come although an undercurrent of stress will remain throughout. For working professionals, there will be pressures & poor opportunities till the 17th December 2007. An upward move could come 19th December 2007 onwards. For Business people, this month will experience hurdles & minor losses too. You should be careful of your dealing with partners as overall pressure could give rise to major controversy. For Job persons, there would be very good progress & gains till the 25th December 2007. A dip in opportunities & environment could come 27th December 2007 onwards.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Sagittarius): There will be multiple thoughts & options running in your mind. Sex appeal would be high and you will be quite sought after in social circles. Extreme volatility in love life will be felt. A minor dip could come from the 25th December 2007. Some improvement in mutual communication could come after the 16th December 2007.If married; the month will be difficult to say the least. Spouse will be extremely difficult to deal with.
Money & Finance (Sagittarius): There will be positive flow, although some amount of slowdown & erratic trends could commence from the 19th December 2007. Positive overall trends in money matters operate this month. Income will be very good this month, especially till the 24th December 2007.Investment will remain a trouble area. There will be difficult times. New investments should be totally avoided. Old investments will give good gains till the 27th December 2007.
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General Predictions (Capricorn): This is the beginning of a phase where expenses will rise but mostly in form of investments, which will give good returns later on. Hurdles in various issues could come crop up in personal as well as professional life. A slow down in income is possible however progress in career will come due to a high level of dynamism and hard work. There could be gains from unexpected sources. There will be some changes in your work environment due to some significant decisions. Money gains will continue. Health could be an issue at times. A slow down in health possible after the 15th December 2007.Income & gains will remain good till the 17th December 2007. High level of gains till the 17th December 2007 progress in career, dynamism, gains from sources. Low stamina & vitality after the 19th December 2007, high expenses & worry in cash flow, block in career till the 25th December 2007 rise in hurdles. Transit of Saturn/ketu in the 8th house could create issues with health & progress. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Capricorn): It will not be an easy month in career as some blocks could come up due to various issues with people in authority as well as controversy coworkers could create. Not an easy period for growth till the 24th December 2007. Improvement after 25th December 2007 as well as gains will come. For businessmen, this month will see good gains till the 17th December 2007 and a dip thereafter. There could be minor chances of losses & so you need to be cautious overall. Those in Job, there will be positive & gainful event till the 17th December 2007 and a dip in opportunities as well as worry thereafter. Those working as professional, there would be positive period overall. A minor dip could be felt after the 19th December 2007.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Capricorn): New opportunities will come after the 25th December 2007. Love life will be blocked this month till the 24th December 2007 and could be affected by mutual ego, career pressures & misunderstandings. Socially a very useful & positive till after 27th December 2007.If married, the month will be satisfying, although distances in communication with spouse possible after the 16th December 2007. A low profile month.
Money & Finance (Capricorn): There will be gains as well as losses from unexpected sources & therefore you need to be cautious. Strong phase for inflows of money operates this month. Some amount of slowdown as well as increase in volatility could come after the 19th December 2007 & you should be careful. Income will be good, mostly on account of hard work. There will be a slight dip but not noticeable yet. Investments could be blocked this month if made now. Avoid till the 24th December 2007.Old investments will give gains till 17th December 2007 and a slowdown /losses from 19th December 2007. You should reconsider strategy.
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General Predictions (Aquarius): For Aquarius natives a much better month during December, compared to the period crossed during November 2007.New opportunities in career, which will increase income, could come up. This will turn into a healthy and positive phase for the coming 10 months. Do not take risk and sudden decisions in personal life, relationships. New growth prospects will become possible now. Worry about children will remain throughout. Mind however will remain aggressive and agitated at times. A tendency for High blood pressure/ Hypertension will persist. Career will remain in a volatile but gainful mode. It would be advisable to avoid major changes/ decisions. Higher income, Growth in career, support from people in authority, gain due to creative work, social recognition, happiness in love. Inflexible attitude, over aggression, health issues, issues with partner/ marital matters. Transiting retrograde Mars could create health issues as well as cause rash decisions. First half of the month is better than the second half of the month.
Career Prospects (Aquarius): There would be several changes in this areas connected mostly with your mindset. Status in your profession will rise as long as you can keep your aggression under control. A volatile and aggressive phase in career operates. For job persons, there will be positive development & good level of growth this month. Income rise will also come about. Businessmen people, there would be issues & misunderstanding with partners & associates. Rise in status & new opportunities will come about through. More progress will come till the 15th December 2007 & higher level of gains will come after the 19th December 2007.For professionals, there would be positive development till the 24th December 2007 as good level of growth will be possible. Some block in career could come about after the 27th December 2007.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Aquarius): There will be very volatile phases throughout. Love life will remain quite hectic and focus of all your energy and attention. Avoid new commitments or complications during this time. Sex appeal would be high. Socially a good time. You will find social success. You should try to be more positive in your outlook. If married, the month will remain disturbing due to resentment that is built up towards spouse. There will be positive trends in married life but you are likely ignoring the good aspect & notice the deficiencies only.
Money & Finance (Aquarius): There will be good & positive trends throughout the month. Income will be good throughout & remain positive. Period of higher income & gains commences now. Investments, old as well as new, could remain trouble some. Old investment will give returns throughout. You should avoid any sort of new investment as that could be based on faulty logic.
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General Predictions (Pisces): The December would be average month for Pisces natives. It is overall a period of high growth, which will come mostly on account of hard work. Progress will be in direct proportion of effort put in by you. You will experience positive and new opportunities in career but not much monitory gain associated with the same. Domestic/ home life is likely to be disturbed and mostly aggressive. If married, a lot of aggression towards spouse could be the result. Career area will expand in scope and level of effort and hard work will go up. Gains and income will however not rise proportionally to hard work. Level of expenses and monitory commitments will remain throughout. Expansion in career more after the 15th December 2007, creative work related progress after the 19th December 2007, happiness in love/ personal relationships, and good progress in career. Transiting Retrograde Mars in the 4th house could bring serious domestic unrest. Second half of the month is better than the first half of the month.
Career Aspects (Pisces): Career is in a new phase of expansion & development now. This will increase the scope & growth prospects. The effort will rise more than actual gains. There will be good developments after the 16th December 2007 while period till 14th December 2007 will remain average only. For businessmen, this month will see good progress. Average run till the 17th December 2007 and very good results thereafter. For people in Job, there will be a positive run throughout. Very good opportunities will come up beyond the 16th December 2007.For people working as professionals, Pressures & controversy will rise. There will be domestic issues which could hamper work also. Mostly a difficult month.
Love, Romance & Marriage (Pisces): There will be an improvement over the last couple of months, although positive affects will come after the 25th December 2007. New opportunities in love possible after the 27th December 2007. Average trends in love /relationship are likely. If married, there could be fear & resentment till the 15th December 2007. Improvement will come overall after the 18th December 2007. Domestic matters could be difficult and attitude could be mostly hostile towards spouse.
Money & Finance (Pisces): Pressure as well as volatility in money matters would build up now. This will remain till end January & therefore would be advisable to remain low profile & conservative. Investment will remain neutral only. There will not be much gains or losses. Income will improve largely on account of effort made by you as well as hard work. Positive trends throughout. It would be useful to avoid decision for another 1 and half months.
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Shri Manmeet
Readers are advised to use their own discretion in their personal and financial matters. Shri Manmeet is not liable for any consequences of believing in this work. The interpretation of Vedic astrological horoscope is the analysis and opinion of a persons knowledge based on his or her, experience and perceptions in the Vedic astrology. Another astrologers opinion/analysis on any of the issues whatsoever might be different.
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