December 7, 2006
From: V.Gopal, 3 Snehal, Road 6, Pestomsagar, chembur, Mumbai-400089.TDel: 25234091
To: Editor, Mumbai Mirror.
Comments on theft of funds from ATMsPage 2 of Dt. December 7th 2006.
Two types of cards (Debit/Credit) cards are issued. One with photograph and the other without the pohotograph of the holder.
ID number is given to each customer so that the holder of the card can operate the account from the AIMs. The ID number or word is very confidential and only the car holder is aware of it. Suitable instructions are also given by the banks to maintain the details in strict confidence. It is however observed that in spite of this instruction and care taken by the card holders, the card are duplicated.
How the duplicate card is prepared by miscreants exactly in the name of the card holder? Where do they get the number and name in case of cards which are not lost? There could some connivance in this regards. It is absolutely necessary to take strict action and avoid such duplications.
When the ID is supposed to be secret how can the miscreant get the ID?
I feel that another identification should be added to the cards and this ;could be finger prints encode in the card and while operating the ATM The customer should also press another button which will read the finger prints and only if this match is there the operation of the account will be possible. Some research will have to be made quickly to introduce such a system if possible.
In the case of purchases against cards, full responsibility should be taken by the dealers or other wise the bank should refuse to honor the bills for payment. Heretoo, under the swipe system the finger print identify should be added.
In the case of photo ID card the shops or establishment should verify the person actually present as the customer has to come for the purchase.