Corruption ROKO – Corruption Report On Karmayog Online | |
Form No. 0235 | Sunday, June 28, 2009 |
Dy Registrar Of Co-Operative Societies, Mumbai, MH |
We have received a complaint as per the details below. The filled form will also be displayed at along with any feedback that is received from the concerned government authorities. |
A: Details of the government organisation | |
1. Name of government organisation: | Dy Registrar of Co-operative societies, |
2. State: | Maharashtra |
3. City: | mumbai |
4. Department: | Dy. registrar of P-South Ward |
5. Location: | Wadala E |
6. Designation of government officer involved: | Dy. Registrar |
8. Address of the government organisation: | Office of the Dy. Registrar of co-operative societies, Ward No. P-South, 316 A1 Bldg, 3rd Floor, Truck Terminal, Wadala (E), Mumbai 400037. |
B: My Complaint Details | |
1. Period of incident: | 2008 – Dec |
2. Services that were sought: | 1. To investigate into malpractices in Dheeraj Valley Tower co-operative housing society, 2. To provide information under RTI Act 2005 regarding documents pertaining to Dheeraj Valley Tower including M20 bond. |
3. Problem/s I faced: | Registrar delayed taking action, seeing no action many flat owners have lost faith in the justice system. When he finally replied to the case in May 2009 , asked us to approach the cooperative court. He has overlooked imp aspects like Elections,bond, bank ac,o.c. etc incomplete RTI information. |
4. Bribe amount: | Cannot be sure, as this officer seems to have been ‘managed’ by the opposite party. |
5 a. Was the bribe paid? | No |
5 b. Could the work have been done without paying the bribe? If so, how? | Not applicable. |
6. Result: | Incomplete information obtained. |
C: Additional Informtion attached | |
Details of Content: | Nil |
D: My Suggestions | |
1. For head of government department: | |
Suggestion 1: | RTI Act is subverted by providing incomplete or irrelevant information. harassing people by – delaying providing information – asking to come on another date – making them wait for long periods of time the general goal being to ovecome the patience and peristance. These officials are fully aware that an average person cannot afford to take many days off from work and thus exploit this effeciently. |
Suggestion 2: | Suggestion: 1 . Ask all departments to compulsorily provide email, fax and other electronic contact details. 2. Have a website with to track, authenticate and verify information submitted. This website should display the status of RTI. 3. The state Cheif information officer should monitor the webiste and produce a weekly report of progess and account for performance. |
2. For the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) / Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI): | |
Suggestion 1: | Conduct indepth enquiry of No of complants received for malpractices by the Cooperative society The outcome of these complaints how many societies have submitted M20 bond on time. How many socieites havebeen registeres without occupation certificate how many society do not have obtained conveyance and reasons thereof. Dig into bank statements to find out overpayment for services, unnecessary spendings. Dig into quotations to identify how many wuotattion are above market rates and by what percent. Trsut for all this, First of all ACB should have a will and resolve to uproot corruption not just in paper. |
3. For other citizens: | |
Suggestion 1: | Offer resistance and oppose society if activiites seem suspicious. |
E: My Contact details | |
Name: | KNK Thampan Panickar |
Profession: | Retired Senior Citizen |
Phone: | 28400257 |
Maharashtra, mumbai, Sunday, June 28, 2009 |