December 20 – 21: Rajasthan: 04th National Management Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility
We are pleased to inform you that our Institutes Entrepreneurship Club is organising 4th National Management Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility : Making a Difference during 20-21 December 2008 in Town Hall, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
You will kindly agree that this issue is of paramount importance to the society at large, to our country and in fact globally. This conference is a step further to provide a platform to the corporate personnel, faculty and students to put forward their views and concerns.
The details of this conference are enclosed. We would appreciate very much if you can kindly arrange for the circulation and/or display of this information prominently on your notice board for your team.
It gives us great pleasure to invite the participation of your team members to make this conference a grand success.
Thanking you and with warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
Sunil Kumar
Asstt Professor & Conference Coordinator
Aravali Institute of Management
Marwar Bhawan
Polo No. 2, Paota