Shocked ! Surprised ! Are you laughing to hear this! Then think again. It is based on fact. Aam admi is not joking. See the reasons. Aggrieved people used to go to court to get justice. But in For every time attending the court, we have to catch rickshaw, taxi, bus, train etc. etc. In our country thousands and lakhs of people moving court to attend the court cases which include witnesses and others etc. It adding environmental pollution. Other thing is that so many pages of typing, photocopying and other documentary evidences which needs tonnes of papers and money. For getting papers, we have to cut down more and more trees and thus making environmental damages. (dont expect environmentalist utter a word against the fact like this, they will talk other thing or deny access if they feel getting benefit for poor citizen) Like judiciary, bureaucracy also responsible for environmental damages due to their red tape. We are all talking endlessly about environment. Now UN and other developing countries talking about implementing Kyoto Protocol for climate change, green house gas emission, carbon credit and other environmental issues. If the UN are serious about the so called Climate change why dont they make a Kyoto Protocol like law against Courts, bureaucracy, through UN body etc. The NGOs around the world protecting corporate interest dont utter a word, or not making any protest against the real villains in democracy like bureaucracy and courts in democracies, creating environmental damage and instead NGOs are coming up with silly reasons and targeting small fray. Now various countries talking about carbon credit a new concept for the world in reducing carbon emission. Why dont the UN and other agencies bring the bureaucracy and judiciary under their ambit of carbon credit and extend the benefit for implementing fast on computerization and networking of all government offices, all courts etc. to reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emission. Considering every court & department of bureaucracy as a factory and extend the benefit of carbon credit this section also for faster implementation of computerization and networking of department and end redtape and delayed justice. Delayed justice and red-tape can pollute not only the environment, it will pollute the minds of people. Let us wait and watch how the so called intellectuals and NGO including the media talk about this issue in a right perspective. After all there is not much corporate interest in this game, hence as usual I dont expect a much debate on this issue by the media or not going to utter a world by the world NGOs. I think environmentalist and right activist runaway in discussing this issue and show their neglection because of not much money involved and lack of sponsors. Let us wait and watch how much they are going to bark on this issue. aam admi believes that idea can change the life. Jai Ho. aam admi |