Emami Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) = Rs.580 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax = Rs.90 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget = Not Available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 2/ 5
CSR activities:
Emami�s mission of �contributing whole heartedly towards the environment and society� attains a more humane form with its approach of addressing various social issues. As a responsible corporate citizen, Emami continues to invest in socially meaningful projects in West Bengal and adjoining states. As a part of company�s Corporate Social Responsibility Emami has devised various �Self Employment� schemes like �Emami Mobile Traders� and �Small Village Shops� schemes for the rural unemployment youth:
Highlights of �Self Employment� scheme�
Emami Mobile Traders
- This scheme covers small to large villages with population ranging from 1500 to 5000.
- The selected persons are involved in door to door selling of Emami products in interior villages
- Depending on the effort and motivation of the individual, the monthly earning varies between Rs 500 to Rs
- 2000 per month.
- On an average they can earn 18% on the sale value of the products.
- Emami does not take any deposit from the selected individuals and takes back unsold stocks if required
- Emami guarantees a minimum income of Rs 1000 per month provided a total sale of Rs 4000 is achieved per month
- Proper training of sales and marketing skills
- Free product samples were supplied for personal use to give prospective consumers a first-hand experience.
- Uniform, raincoats and pullovers and personal accident insurance cover is provided
- Cycles at 50% rates/ on installment payment can be purchased
Emami Small Village Shops
- This scheme is being promoted mostly for women in villages where there are no permanent shops.
- The housewives put up the Small Village Shops at their own village residence
- They market the Emami products from their home to the other villagers
- The housewives are encouraged to take up this challenge with the help of NGOs and voluntary workers working in villages
- Emami does not take any deposit from the women and takes back the unsold products
- The marketing training given by Emami helps the person to find selling opportunities for other items manufactured by micro enterprises as well
The Roll Out
An initial trial in West Bengal showed encouraging results leading to financial independence of women and unemployed youth. We have rolled out the schemes to Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Chattisgarh over last one year. We also plan to consolidate the activities in more states like Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh.
Community Medical Support
The Company sponsors subsidized treatment of the needy in best-in-class hospitals like AMRI and Shree Vishudhanand Hospital and Research Institute in Kolkata. Donations are made in the form of free supplies of medicines, assistance for surgeries and hospital charges for the poor through trust. Emami established the �Emami National Institute for Bone Marrow Transplantation� in the Narayana Hrudayalaya Institute, Bangalore, under the supervision of Dr Devi Shetty, the well-known cardiac surgeon. This institute provides treatment for bone marrow transplantation at free or affordable costs to the needy
Source: http://www.emamigroup.com/About-Corporate
Annual Report �07-08 (pg 29)
Contact Information:
Emami Ltd.
Emami Tower
687, Anandapur, E M Bypass
Kolkata -700 107
West Bengal
Phone : 33-6613 6264
Fax : 33-6613 6600
E-mail : contact@emamigroup.com
Website : www.emamigroup.com/
Industry Sector: Personal Care
Products / Services: Manufacturer of air compressors and automobile service station equipment.
Other locations of factories / offices: The Company has overseas offices in UK and UAE Factories are in Kolkata, Guwahati, Pondicherry. Zonal offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai