Jointly conducted by
S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research
Resource Alliance, UK
Date: 20th June-4th Oct 2008
The number of organisations seeking to mobilise resources & raise funds has grown rapidly in the last few years.
International donors, private foundations and international NGOs have all been decentralising their operations and there have been dramatic shifts in thematic and geographic focus for aids.
There is a huge shortage of professionally trained resource management and resource mobilisation personnel.
S P Jain Institute of Management & Research and Resource Alliance, U.K., has stepped in to fill this gap.
SPJIMR- Center for DOCC
The Centre for Development of Corporate Citizenship (DOCC) has been established in the year 2001 based on SPJIMR’s philosophy of “Value based growth” and “Influencing practice”. Through DOCC we aspire to create a movement to:
·Build the managerial potential of the institute’s participants and faculty to make them sensitive to Indian ethos and culture.
·Act as a medium to create a network of ngo’s and the corporate sector for sustained and enhanced impact of development processes on society.
Resource Alliance, U.K.
The Resource Alliance is an international network, whose mission is to build the fundraising and local resource mobilisation capacity of the voluntary sector worldwide. Resource Alliance is a UK registered charity and has 501c3 status in the US. Resource Alliance’s vision is of a strong voluntary sector throughout the world, working to the highest ethical standards of accountability and stewardship.
Program Objectives
The specific objectives of the program are:
·To provide a quality program of training in Resource Mobilization and Management.
·To provide systematic, sustained and professional input that is accessible, yet affordable and internationally recognized.
·To provide value to all stakeholders – participants, sponsoring organizations, SPJIMR, Resource Alliance, U.K. and society and community at large.
Program Output
By the end of the program, the participant will be able to:
·Establish and communicate a case for support for their organization
·Plan, budget, implement and analyse a resource mobilisation activity
·Manage themselves effectively and create productive working relationships with others
·Identify the resourcing requirements of their organisation and establish appropriate strategies for meeting these needs
This training has been designed as a participatory programme that would build-upon the experiential learning of participants. The pedagogy focuses on interactive group learning and aims both at knowledge development and skill upgradation through peer learning. Case Studies, readings and reflection are an important component of the programme.
Course Structure and Content
The course will cover the following topics:
·Role and relationships of state, business and voluntary sector
·Public policy environment within which non-profits operate
·Main sources of non-profit funding and support
·Donor motivations and trends in giving including individual philanthropy and faith based giving
·The basic principles of fundraising the fundraising cycle
·Relationship between organizational mission and plans and the fundraising function
·Ethics, accountability and transparency
·Relationship between organisational communications and resource mobilisation image, visibility, credibility
·Principles of good communication
·How to effectively communicate what the non-profit does and needs using a range of techniques including print, telephone, face to face, and email/web.
·Working with the mass media
·Donor prospecting and research
·Basic introduction to databases
·Fundraising techniques including face to face, mail, internet, events, corporate partnerships, grant seeking, and working with government agencies
·Mobilising and working with volunteer support
·Generating revenue through business type activities
·Planning, budgeting, implementing and analysing resource mobilisation activities
·Strategic planning, including financial planning, monitoring and evaluation
·Managing self (self-awareness, time management, stress management) and others (suppliers, volunteers, staff)
There are 5 modules to be covered within a period of 4 months
1.Fundamentals of Resource Mobilization
This module introduces participants to the role of civil society organisations and resource mobilization.
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
Identify likely sources of support; and
Articulate a case for support that justifies why their organization exists and why it deserves support, while taking into account these sources.
2.Communication Skills for Effective Resource Mobilization
Fund Raisers spend almost 70 % of their time communicating. Thus good communication skills are essential to ones career, and they are often the chief criteria of employers in both hiring and promotion decisions. This course aims to provide the students with skills needed to function successfully in today’s competitive world.
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
·Improve their ability to communicate more effectively, orally, non verbally and in writing.
·Value the differences between themselves and others and to employ that understanding to improve the quality of their communication.
·Recognize and value the diverse contributions of all members of an organization
·Develop competence with the process of informative and persuasive communication that can be used as an individual or as a team.
·Deal with all sorts of communication oral and written, like letters, proposals, meetings and seminars, using effective communication for leadership, persuasiveness, consensus building, initiative and cooperation.
3.Building relationships for effective Resource Mobilization
This module introduces participants to researching and sustaining relations with all types of donors individuals, companies, grant-making organizations and the government.
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
Analyze an organization’s existing donor base and its potential for growth;
Put in place donor reporting systems and procedures, including a donor database; and
Research and sustain relationships with all types of donors.
4.Income from Individuals & Enterprise
This module introduces participants to basic resource mobilization techniques:
By the end of the module, the participants will be able to:
-Choose from a range of techniques those best suited to their organisation’s needs; and
-Demonstrate knowledge of how to execute these techniques successfully
5.Strategy & Planning
This module introduces participants to the steps in drafting a three-year strategy and plan for resource mobilization.
By the end of this module, students will produce a draft resource mobilization strategy for three years that summarizes the
-Strategic direction in terms of income mix, with targets;
-Organisation’s capacity to achieve the targets;
-Methods to achieve the desired income mix and targets within the expenditure outlined; and
-An action plan for the future.
Program Duration
The program is modeled on ” The work place as a laboratory”. Classroom sessions will be held at SPJIMR campus twice a week for a period of four months.
Friday Evening – 3 hours (5-8 pm)
Saturday Full Day – 6 hours (10am 4pm)
Total contact hours: 108 hours
No of days = 32 days
Duration = 4 months
There will be one-week gap after the completion of each module for home based assignments.
Learning from classroom sessions will be implemented and practiced in the work place as a continuous experiential learning process.
This Program is meant for staff, volunteers and individuals from any nationality, involved in Fund Raising & Resource Management activities in the social sector.
·Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline
·Experience of either 2years fulltime, or 3 years as a volunteer in social sector.
·Basic Computer literacy
·Fluency in the English language
·Good Communication Skills
Fee Structure
The fee for the 4-month training program is Rs 15000. The fee is inclusive of the following:
·Tuition fee
·Course Material
·Presentation Handout
·Reference material
·Case study copies
·Lunch on Saturdays during the contact.
·Library membership fee for four months
·Examination Fees
Resource Person
SPJIMR faculty along with experts in Fund Raising from NGOs will be anchoring the program. Visiting international faculty will also be providing inputs as and when available.
Application Process
Application Forms will be available at SPJIMR Centre for DOCC, Bhavans College Campus, Munshi Nagar, Dadabhai Road, Andheri(W), Mumbai – 400 058 .Tel no: 2623 0396/2401/7454,Ext: 465,
.Application forms can also be downloaded from http://spjimr.org/cprmm/registration.asp
For Further details
Contact: Ms Nirja Mattoo,Chairperson-DOCC,SPJIMR , Ext 460
Ms Shaoli Chakravorty- Coordinator-DOCC, SPJIMR , Ext 465
Please go to the following link for further details.