Form No. 0313 Saturday, October 31, 2009
Department of Post, Gugaon, HR
We have received a complaint as per the details below.
The filled form will also be displayed at www.karmayog.
with any feedback that is received from the concerned government
A: Details of the government organisation
1. Name of government organisation: Department of Post
2. State: Haryana
3. City: Gugaon
4. Department: Postal delivery
5. Location: Bsai
6. Designation of government officer involved: Post man
7. Website:
8. Address of the government organisation: Department of Post, Dak
Bhawan, New Delhi-11016
B: My Complaint Details
1. Period of incident: 2009 – May
2. Services that were sought: Delivery of postal mails at my residence
3. Problem/s I faced: Postman namely Mr. Krishan Kumar came with a
registred post on my name containing my Insurance related original
documents. He asked my wife to pay atleast Rs.50 else it will be
returned undelivered with some remark. My wife refused to pay and he had
returned that post.
4. Bribe amount: Rs. 50 for one Registered post
5 a. Was the bribe paid? No
5 b. Could the work have been done without paying the bribe? If so, how?
Yes but not through India POst. I called up Sender and aked them to send
it through Courier.
6. Result: All my postal mails are blocked not a single mail has
been delivered since then. I normally expect 2-3 mails a month
C: Additional Informtion attached
Details of Content: Nil
D: My Suggestions
1. For head of government department:
Suggestion 1: To make accountable every officer you have to open a
greviency cell reporting to head of department.
2. For the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) / Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI):
Suggestion 1: Should reach to the common people
3. For other citizens:
Suggestion 1: they should stand against the demand you satisfy at the
E: My Contact details
Name: Sheopal Yadav
Organisation (if any): Defence
Profession: Ex-servceman
Haryana, Gurgaon, Saturday, October 31, 2009