Form No. 0018 Date.Monday, February 11, 2008
Income Tax, Mumbai, Mah.
Please display this form on www.karmayog.
Thank you
A: Details of the government organisation
1. Name of government organisation Income Tax
2. State Maharashtra
3. City Mumbai
4. Department Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax
5. Location aayakar bhavan
6. Designation of government officer involved Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax
8. Address of the government organisation Office of the Commissioner of Income Tax, Aayakar Bhavan, Mumbai
B: Complaint Details
1. Period of incident Before 2007
2. Services that were sought? it was an assesssment order to be passed
3. What problem/s did you face? he siad he would pass the order is such a way that we will have a major problem in appeal also. He told very clearly that if he raises this objection which is irrelavent in one year then it would be painful for us to go for appeal in every year. To avoid that he asked for bribe
4. Bribe amount Rs. 10 lac
5 a. Did you pay the bribe? If yes, why? NO
5 b. Could you get your work done without paying the bribe? if so, how? NO
6. Result We are fighting it in appeal. But normally in Income tax in appeal also y ou need to settle it based on the demand else we have to go for tribunal and there also it is heard that the Corruption is on
C: Additional Informtion attached
Details of Content Assessment of year 2004-2005
Attached Additional Document 1 Nill
Attached Additional Document 2 Nill
Attached Additional Document 3 Nill
D: Suggestions
1. Suggestions for head of government department The suggestion is that the assessment should be done on email. The assessing officer has to ask the required documents and questions on email with a copy to his senior. The documents must be submitted by email and the questions and query should also be on email only. All the records should be on email. The officers should not be allowed to talk on phone. Normally the vehicle used by the department is Chartered Accountants. The payments are made through them. They assistant commissioners / additional comm also have some offices where they ask to deliver the amount. The chartered Accountants are the main via media.
2. Suggestions for the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) / Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) The concerned Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Is very well known in the Income tax department for Corruption at the maximum.
3. Suggestions for other citizens No suggestion
E: I am not ready to reveal contact details becauase
The department will harasse in future for no reason in other assessment
Maharashtra, mumbai, Monday, February 11, 2008