My name is KHAN MOHAMMED ALI and I am a 23 years old Graduate and I reside at Byculla (w) in mumbai – 400011. In byculla I reside exactly in madanpura/mominpura my contact details are : 9322858068/23060819 and I would like to report a prime time matter which needs your assistance as the same has grown enormously in intensity and should be considered as a burning issue but nobody has the guts in our area to report the same matter to anybody as nobody has knowlege of their consumer rights and everybody knows that since last 2 years the distributor of LPG cylinder in our area for domestic gas supply has been delaying the gas delivery in the name of shortage of LPG cylinders even though ample supply can be seen which could be efficiently and amicably distributed to the residents who are having the right to use LPG gas in their respective houses for domestic purposes but since last 2 years it could be noticed as such that the agency name ANAND GAS AGENCY having address : 375/11, Ram Niwas BLDG, S.G. Road, Byculla, Mumbai-400011 having contact nos : 23076687/23094254 seem to be in the mood to make money by selling the LPG cylinders to the illegal non registered commercial hawkers and roadside vendors in madanpura and in the vicinity of the same area where the delivery boys sell the LPG cylinders and fill their pockets by blck marketing the LPG cylinders for around Rs : 450/- to 500/- per cylinder DAILY whilst the local resident who are entitled to get the same cylinder every 15 days after booking are being denied the same and are being provided for every 21 days which is not sufficient for families and to add to the ire of residents these so called proactive and efficient agency is corrupt and customer unfreindly to such and extent that on the paper receipt they have written and PLEDGED to provide freindly and courteous service at all time and to provide refills within 24 hours 8 a.m to 8 p.m. refill delivery all 7 days a week and so on but to our dismay these people do not even answer our call or pick up the phone and most of time the they pick up and hang up the phone or keep the receiver aside so that the caller can receive the greetings that the phone is busy or same line is not available at the moment also the receiver has no profanity or courtesy to talk and most of the time they provide us loose informations that right now we have no supply of LPG cylinders and would take 8 or 10 days just to deliver while the agency keeps the supply diverted constantly to the unauthorised commercial vendors and hawkers on the roadside who use 2 LPG CYLINDERS DAILY for their commercial use which is actually meant for domestic use only and which is a heinous crime. So its a humble request from an educated gentleman who is aware of his rights and duties as a consumer and knows very well how to seek greivance redressal from consumer courts and also knows formal correspondence to the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND DISTRIBUTION to Mr. Sharad Pawar. Now since I have taken the initiative I have the suppport of most of my chawl committee members/residents to evict the root cause of such an evil by exposing these cannibals and cancelling the license of so called agency/distributors who at their own discretion are putting customers at bay and denying them their basic rights to cook and eat their food and in the end I would request THE GENERAL MANAGER to pay some heed to this grave problem being suffered by our locality since last 2 years and please contact me anytime for any assistance on my above contact nos. please. Address : MUNICIPAL TRANSIT CAMP, CHAWL NO : 8, ROOM NO : 3, BYCULLA STATION ROAD, NEAR SUSHANTI CHURCH, BYCULLA (W) MUMBAI – 400011. E-mail id’s :