Company: Castrol India Ltd
Income 2005-2006 = Rs 1370 Cr (rounded off)
Net profit after tax (05-06) = Rs 125 Cr (rounded off)
Karmayog CSR Rating- 2/5
CSR activities:
Social Investment Programme
To strengthen the link between our business and our social investments globally, we are progressively reducing the proportion of purely philanthropic donations we make. Instead, we are supporting long term development projects in line with our business investments. However, we do continue to recognize a place for charitable contributions, including responding to disaster relief with humanitarian aid. In line with our global social investment policy, Castrol India has a planned and structured Social Investment programme. Between 2001 – 2003, Castrol India has undertaken two major projects – (i) Rehabilitation of earthquake affected victims in Gujarat and (ii) Castrol Drive for Safety – a road safety initiative
Rehabilitation of earthquake affected victims in Gujarat
Rebuilding lives, not just homes
On 26th January 2001, an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, hit the state of Gujarat in Western India, leaving behind a trail of unparalleled damage, destruction and loss of life. Immediately after the earthquake, many of BP employees across the world were keen to contribute towards relief efforts. Their contributions were pooled and then matched by the BP Foundation. More than $85,000 was raised in this way.
Funds were channelled through the Disasters Emergency Committee, an umbrella organisation made up of 14 international aid agencies, and given specifically to Help the Aged, Tearfund and Concern to support relief in the affected areas.
Tearfund gave temporary shelter, cooking kits and food supplies to 5,000 families in 17 villages in Bhachau and Rapar taluks. They also improved water storage facilities in seven villages and provided employment to 1,000 families. Help the Aged supplied basic provisions such as food and blankets to 7,500 older people and their families, as well as medical and surgical treatment to over 22,000 people in 192 villages.
Whilst the above aid was immediately disbursed towards relief efforts, there was clearly a need for long term sustainable development and Castrol India became the focal point for the global support.
The approach to the project was “to rebuild lives, not just homes”. This was built around a model of “working partnership” with NGOs and villagers and not by mere donation.
We entered into a partnership with an NGO – Vivekananda Research & Training Institute and together we identified two partner villages – Bandiya and Bhaivari Vandh.
Rehabilitation process
Castrol India, VRTI and the villagers worked closely on the rehabilitation process which covered:
� Reconstruction / retrofitting of 195 houses;
� Health and hygiene – providing clean drinking water / sanitation facilities
� Women empowerment providing sustainable income
� Sustainable income generation – watershed development
� Education – building school / innovative mid-day meal scheme
This project has impacted over 1000 people and helped them regain their self respect and dignity. The project was completed on schedule in mid
Mumbai-rain pour On 26th July, 2005- Action taken
On 26th July, 2005, a torrential downpour caused heavy floods in Mumbai, killing many and rendering many others homeless.
Post the disaster, an NGO called United Way Mumbai brought to attention the need for education aid in various schools in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane. Castrol India immediately responded by involving in a project to provide for school stationery, uniforms, etc for flood-affected children. These were distributed by the partner NGO to 6 schools and 16 slum communities in the flood affected areas. With the help of this project, Castrol India restored educational supplies of over 3000 school children
The Castrol India HSE
The Castrol India HSE team makes sure that all our employees, contractors and others connected with us are well informed, well trained, engaged and committed to the HSE improvement process. We recognize that safe operations depend not only on technically sound plant and equipment but also on competent and committed people and an active HSE culture. We believe that no activity is so important that it cannot be done safely.
Amount spent on CSR : No information regarding the amount spent on CSR was available on the homepage .
Contact details : Castrol India Ltd
Rayala Towers
V floor, 781-785, Anna Salai, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600002
Web address :