Balasore Alloys Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) =Rs.530 crores. (rounded off)
Net profit after tax =Rs.30 crores. (rounded off)
CSR Budget =Not available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 1/5
CSR activities:
EHS Measures
Your Company places highest priority to environmental protection and has consistently been able to achieve the emission and discharge levels stipulated by the Environmental Regulatory Bodies. The Company is implementing ISO-14001 Environmental
Management System for certification of its plant located at Balgopalpur, Balasore.
The Company has ensured compliance to all statutory provisions related to safety and special care is taken to provide a safeand congenial working environment to the employees.
Social Commitments
With a view to help the neighboring villages and townships in various social causes, several activities have been undertakenby the Company, which has been acknowledged by the local administrators. Such activities include financial aid to poor brilliant
students, renovation and rehabilitation of schools, infrastructural support to schools, providing support for drinking water facility, road repairs and renovation of religious places. Medical camps, encompassing blood donation, eye check up, family planning and AIDS awareness program have touched the softer side of people in neighboring community.
The surrounding areas in neighboring villages have been identified for landscaping, beautification and restoration of heritage monuments. Your company has recently been awarded in the district wise �Vano Mahostavo Festival� by the local administration for its relentless pursuit in Green Plantation in the surrounding areas.
Source: Annual Report �07-�08 pg19
Contact Information:
Balasore Alloys Ltd.
Balgopalpur, Balasore-756020
Phone No. : 06782-275781/ 82/ 83/ 84/85
Fax : 06782-275724
Email : ,
Website :
Industry Sector: Ferro Alloys
Products / Services: Supplier of Ferro Alloys
Other locations of factories / offices: Registered office at Orissa