I have already explained in my reply that what PAWS done for Cattle in
Let other NGO reply now! Let Mr. Gada’s ‘GENUIN NGO’S’ reply!
From: Shantilal Gada S
ent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: animal orgs act strangely
First of all, I want to make it clear that it was not blanket criticism
about all animal Ngo’s. If you refer to point number (3), you will ralise
that I wholeheartdly appriciate work done by genuine NGO’s.
My only point was that inspite of Cattle from tabelas forming a sizable
number and their sufferings not less than those of animals in Zoo or
circus, why not a single animal welfare NGO is working for their
betterment? I agree with Vinay that NGO’s can not do everything
everywhere, but atleast I expected somebody to educate to me why no animal
NGO is working for plight of cattle. I am dissappointed that inspite of
having 5000 Karmayogis and 50 animal NGO registerd with Karmayog,I have
yet to get satisfactory answer.
From: “Karmayog.com” <info@karmayog.com To: <karmayog@yahoogroups.com>, <gadashantilal@hotmail.com>
Subject: animal orgs act strangely
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:42:38 +0530
I have some controversial points to make :
(1) As per my limited knowledge about animal welfare organisations, many
are pre-occupied with stray dogs. There are others, who want to remain
in Publicity by rescuing circus animals or free birds from cages. This
team has highlighted plight of animals inz oo, whose number may not
exceed 1000 ( One thousand )
(2) Why all of these animal welfare organisations are silent about
plight of Cattle in Tabelas?You must have seen pictures of buffalos
getting strangulated to death during last year’s rain,because they were
tied with rope and hence unable to escape.These animals do not even move
from their place 365 days, 24 hours. And their number is approximately
1,00,000 (Yes One hundred thousand.)
Why no animal welfare group has filed PIL?
(3) I know there are quite a few genuine animal welfare
organisations/individuals,who stretch their personal resources, their
spare time and does some really good work, but in my opinion, priority of all these organisations shoud have been cattle of Tabelas and not
stray dogs, circus animals or Zoo animals.
(4) I would like to know views of others in group as well as those of
animal welfare groups
P.S. Please do not club my response with others.
[My own response is as follows: unhone theka nahi le rakha hai — each
of us should do our bit, just because they are doing something about
some animals, it is not their responsibility to do everything about all
animals. This is a very common misconception that the person on the
street has about NGOs. Regards, Vinay]