Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) =Rs.1080 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax =Rs.100 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 1/ 5
CSR activities:
- Education
They provide primary schooling facilities for the children of their employees. They also provide their employees with facilities in the form of free memberships to education enhancement trusts and organizations like the library for employees on site, the Rajanna Trust for intellectual enhancement, the Krishna Deva Raya Trust and Cultural Association, Vinayashramam, Thapovanam and the Rashtriya Seva Samithi. Their employees made a significant contribution to Krishna Deva Raya Educational Trust and Cultural Association. It helps economically backward students with financial assistance to pursue higher education.
- Infrastructure
Some of the infrastructure requirements of daily living that they take responsibility for include a bank for employees and the public, residential complexes for employees, medical and other facilities like a post office, subsidized transportation and recreational clubs for everyone who works with them.
- Village development
The company focuses a great deal on developing the same by helping in the building of roads, street lighting, rainwater storage tanks and check dams. Under the banner of ‘Grameena Vikasam’ they have invested time and resources on all the ongoing and long-term initiatives.
- Environment- They have undertaken some proactive environment programmes like the development of green belts, energy conservation and water harvesting, to name a few.
- Employment-The have ventured into the semi urban and rural markets with the power zone distribution network, providing employment to more than 1000 indivisuals, Their network expansion proposed 800 outlets by �08-�09- will only increase employment opportunities for the rural workforce.
Annual Report (�07-�08 pg34)
Contact Information:
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.
Karakambadi Tirupati
Andhra Pradesh- 517 520
Phone no. :0877-2285561
Fax :0877-2285600
Industry Sector: Electric Equipment
Products / Services: Manufacturing of batteries for industrial applications.
Other locations of factories / offices: The Company has got 20 offices in the country