R.Gangi Reddy
Rural Development Organisation (RUDO)
9346299580, 0877 6645048
Soil Tillage.
The soil is tilled to incorporate the previous crop residues and fertilizer, prepare seed bed and level to uniform irrigation. Tillage is sort of disturbance of soil. The soil disturbance causes depletion of soil nutrients and soil carbon and changes the soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Zero tillage practice reduces the soil disturbance and increases the growth and development of the population of soil micro organisms. The soil ecosystem constitutes micro and macro fauna and flora. The micro organisms naturally till the soil by natural process called bio tillage or natural tillage when the soil is set to favorable climate. The soil micro organisms not only till the soil but also convert the organic matter into humus or manure to supply the plant nutrients. The soil disturbance by tillage disturbs the soil ecosystem and hinders the development of micro organisms. Before adaptation of zero tillage practice, initially tillage is required to level the ground and prepare drainage and seeding and planting is done directly or by minimum tillage.
Permanent soil cover and crop rotation create favorable climate to microorganisms.
Permanent soil cover:
Covering the soil with crop residues is called crop cover .In other way the soil cover is nothing but mulching. The soil can be covered with crop residues or growing crops to cover the soil. The soil cover and cover crops reduce the effects of rain fall and exposure to sun. The moisture retention increases and the temperature decreases in and on the soil. A favorable climate is created for microbial action in and on soil. The microbial action till the soil and convert the organic matter in to manure by natural process. The crop residue management and selection of crops of high residues production are important for the soil cover and crop covers. When the gap between existing crop and next establishing crop is long the cover crops like green manure or legume crops are grown to cover the soil. The cover crop is plattened by roller before next crop. Thus the soil is covered permanently to suit the climate to microorganisms.
Crop Rotation:
The rotation of crop is necessary to offer a diverse diet to the soil micro organisms. Diversity of crop rotation leads to a diverse soil flora and fauna, as the roots excrete different organic substances that attract different types of bacteria and fungi. They play important role in transformation of the organic substances into plant available nutrients. Crop rotation prevents the carry over the crop specific pest and diseases one crop to next crop.