Madhavi Hegde Karandikar, for Bal Asha Trust, Bombay
Published with support from CRY, in 1995
Price : Rs. 150/-
Madhavi Hegde- Karandikar, in her capacity Trustee and Hon. Secretary of Bal Asha Trust a well- established NGO in Mumbai working in the welfare and development of women and children, came across several restricting issues related to child welfare. As an active participant in promoting adoptions in India, Madhavi thought it fit to highlight those issues and document them. She was instrumental in the initiation of the Maharashtra Adoption Bill 1995 (MAB).
Adoption- Issues, Laws and Procedures covers several issues related to Adoptions in India. Madhavi discusses the Legal, procedural and parenting aspects of adoptions and highlights the role of professionals in adoptions. She supports her description of the adoption process with appropriate documentation ; forms are listed and described. The MAB is described in detail.
A complete guide on Adoptions, much of the content applies even at present.