Here are some links to help you find out more about
Child Labour
1. For more information on the school is the best place to work campaign visit
http://www.stopchildlabour.net/ or visit the international site at http://www.stopchildlabour.eu/
You can download copies of this resource and keep up to date on campaign activities.
2. For more information on Concern and its education programmes visit http://www.concern.net/ and
3. For more information on the Global campaign for Education visit http://www.campaignforeducation.org/ and for information on the Irish Coalition for the campaign visit http://www.campaignforeducation.ie/
4. For more case studies on child labour visit http://www.knowchildlabor.org/
5. For more information on child labour and the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (in the International Labour Organisation) visit www.ilo.org/ipec
6. UNESCO Global Monitoring Report: www.unesco.org/education/
This is an annual report that tracks global progress towards Education for All and the 6 Dakar
education goals.
7. For more information on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
visit www.un.org/millenniumgoals
8. Visit www.unglobalcompact.org for more information on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the UNs Global Compact framework for business.
9. Visit the UN programme for children, UNICEF at http://www.unicef.org/ and for their fact sheet on child
labour visit www.unicef.org/protection/files/Child_Labour
10. For more information on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) visit www.unicef.org/crc
11. To learn more about the MV Foundation in India visit http://www.mvfindia.in/
12. To view videos and news clips that explore and discuss the issue of child labour, enter child labour on http://www.youtube.com/
13. The worlds largest network of children helping children http://www.freethechildren.org/
14. Visit http://www.childlaborphotoproject.org/ for a photo exhibition and case studies on child labour.
15. Anti-Slavery.org has a comprehensive section in child labour.
Visit www.antislavery.org/homepage/antislavery/childlabour.htm
16. To learn more about the right to education visit http://www.right-to-education.org/
17. The Global March is an International coalition campaigning against child labour
18. www.oxfam.ie
Websites within India
1. India Development Gateway (InDG)
National portal of India developed as a single-window access to information and services, with specific objective of reaching the un-reached rural communities of India, especially women and poor. It catalyses the use of ICT tools for knowledge sharing, leading to development.