Which NGOs are fighting corruption or mismanagement or inefficiency or unaccountability?
In trying to have a search to know how many NGO or NPO exist, which r having agenda to fight corruption or mismanagement or inefficiency or unaccountability of those in planning or in authorities, but it is sad to say that, there is not a single one which is totally committed or dedicated to this issue. Very few r having this issue along with other issue.
It is needless to say that no busy and working individual has time to fight court cases of Public Interest Litigation, as it becomes inconvenient and expensive, as one has to travel to High court and Supreme court from his city of residence, stay in hotels when each time the matter comes on board and also the matter will not sustain unless a good council is arguing his case, which again cost heavy expenses. Online petition has only made the filling part of a PLI easy, the other things like personal attendance on hearing, council fees etc remain as expensive as before. All this could be possible only if our society has committed NGO’s and NPO’s who can take up this role and get justice to the society.
It is because of this missing link of NGO’s and NPO’s, in society, that those in authorities r taking us for a ride, as they very well know that each one is busy in his own life and problem and will not bother to question them in court. Such NGO’s and NPO’s will need to be funded by corporate’s and individuals, as such NGO’s and NPO’s may find it difficult to get government funding and may be because of this reason that there r hardly any such NGO’s and NPO’s in society.
Members of this group can help in this search, by sending feedback, if they have knowledge of working of such organizations, so that we can jointly take help of such organization in solving above mention issues of corruption or mismanagement or inefficiency or unaccountability. Please send names, contact details including email address of such organizations for benefit of all.
Jitendra gupta
Email- jitu11in@yahoo.com