K E C International Ltd.
Sales (2007-2008) = 2800 crores (rounded off)
Net profit after tax = 170 crores (rounded off)
CSR Budget: Not available
Karmayog 2008 CSR Rating: 2/5
CSR activities:
A part of the RPG Group
No separate information on CSR activities for KEC International Ltd.
CSR for the RPG Group:
For RPG, responsibility towards the betterment of society is as important as doing business. The group is an aware and active part of the community, and supports various social initiatives.
The social endeavors of the group include: providing employment and education for the under privileged, promoting rural development, and nurturing a pollution free and eco-friendly environment.
The group is also actively involved in:
- supporting art and artists through the RPG Academy of Art and Music
- encouraging cricketing talent through the CEAT international and domestic cricket rating and awards
- promoting research on macro issues through the RPG Foundation
Corporate Citizenship
Through its different activities, the group seeks to promote and sustain social development.
Relief activities
KEC International Ltd has stood up in the hour of need and initiated an effort to provide relief to the people struck by the catastrophe of floods in Bihar. Over 2,500 employees of the company are making the operation successful by donating their one day’s salary matching the company’s contribution. Plastic Tarpolin, Saree, Lungi, Mosquito Net, Towels, Soaps, Biscuits, drinking water, baby food, medicines are being provided to the people rescued from the affected areas.
Education and Vocational Training
RPG provides facilities and staff for training students pursuing professional courses at leading colleges and technical institutes. The group has also started primary schools in some areas.
Promotion of health is of prime importance to RPG. The group�s employees regularly organize blood donation drives and health camps.Community Development
Development of the society is one of RPG�s prime concerns. Through its many activities the group is actively involved in rural development, women�s welfare, sports and cultural events for the employees, disaster management and supporting the under-privileged.
Environment Protection and Conservation
RPG makes conscious efforts toward protecting the environment. In its attempt to develop green belts, the group has successfully converted wet grassland into lush gardens. Water harvesting and re-cycling are two important activities undertaken by RPG for water conservation
RPG Foundation
The RPG Foundation is a think-tank engaged in research on macro-economic issues, mainly concerning the industry and the corporate sector.
Some of the activities undertaken by the Foundation are:
�€€€€€€€€ Examination of bills and reports on economic issues that are introduced in the Parliament.
�€€€€€€€€ Analysis of reports by government committees/institutions, to understand the implications for industry and trade.
�€€€€€€€€ Creation of case studies for use in corporate management.
�€€€€€€€€ Collection, collation and analysis of data on various economic topics, to anticipate trends in prices, interest rates, exchange rates, external trade, economic growth, etc.
�€€€€€€€€ Production of the monthly publication �State of Business� for use by corporate executives.
�€€€€€€€€ Bringing out opinion based articles on macro economics.
RPG Academy of Art & Music
RPG is a keen promoter of art and music. Group chairman Harsh Goenka, a reputed and ardent collector of art, believes in creating a work environment conducive to creativity.
All group offices display fine pieces of art by Indian masters like M F Husain, Raza, Laxman Shreshtha, Bikash Bhattacharjee, Jehangir Sabavala, and several prominent young artists.
The RPG Academy endorses contemporary Indian art, and regularly sponsors art exhibitions of young talented artists at the prestigious Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai. These exhibitions have been immensely popular with art lovers, and have garnered a good response.
Source: http://www.rpggroup.com/academy.html
Contact Information:
K E C International Ltd
1st Floor, CEAT Mahal
463, Dr. Annie Besant Road
Worli, Mumbai – 400 030
Phone no. : 22-66670200
Fax :
E-mail : kecindia@kecrpg.com
Website : www.kecrpg.com/
Industry Sector: Transmisson Line Towers / Equipment
Products / Services: Power Transmission
Other locations of factories / offices: Gurgaon, Nagpur, Jaipur, Bangalore, Kolkata, New Delhi, Navi Mumbai